Emergency Alert:
Emergency Preparedness Brochures
Click on the appropriate link below to download a PDF copy of 2023 Community Emergency Response Guide.
Click on the appropriate link below to download a PDF copy of 2019 Community Emergency Response Guide.
English (pdf) Spanish (pdf) Korean (pdf) Vietnamese (pdf) Arabic (pdf) Mandarin (pdf)
Plan, Prepare, Protect, A House of Worship Resilience Guide helps houses of worship create a plan for what to do before, during, and after an emergency to prevent lost revenue, loss of data, extra expenses, and loss of community members.
The Business Disaster Resilience Guide outlines practical solutions that businesses can adopt to assist with efforts to prepare the facility, operations, employees, and customers for safety.
English (pdf) Spanish (pdf) Korean (pdf) Arabic (pdf) Mandarin (pdf) Vietnamese (pdf)
The following material has been developed for kids.