Emergency Management and Security

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8AM-4:30PM M-F
571-350-1000 TTY 711
4890 Alliance Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
Seamus Mooney

What Do We Do?

Provide Local, Regional, State and National Emergency Management Leadership
Provide vision, direction and subject matter expertise in the field of emergency management to heighten our state of emergency readiness. We provide proactive leadership in facilitating and coordinating a regional approach to emergency management.
Facilitate Emergency Partnerships
Serve as the liaison to county, regional, state, federal, volunteer and private partners in order to prepare for, effectively respond to and quickly recover from emergency events.
Enhance Emergency Response Coordination
Coordinate and implement a wide range of activities to ensure an adequate and timely response to significant emergency events. In the event of a major emergency, DEMS activates and manages the county’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC). When activated, the EOC becomes the coordination point from which all emergency planning, resource management and continuity of operations activities are accomplished.
Provide Emergency Planning
Developed and maintains the county's Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and related annexes. DEMS provides inclusive emergency management planning coordination for all population segments in the county, and facilitates emergency planning initiatives with other jurisdictions throughout the National Capital Region (NCR).
Conduct Emergency Training & Exercises
Help coordinate emergency training, simulations and exercises necessary to prepare first responders, county agencies and partners to carry out their identified roles and responsibilities outlined in the county EOP. DEMS is responsible for the design, development, and the facilitation of training and exercises to test emergency plans and procedures.
Facilitate Public Education  and Community Outreach  Programs
DEMS coordinates and conducts public emergency management outreach and educational programs to increase awareness on emergency preparedness. DEMS promotes preparedness initiatives to improve family emergency planning; business continuity of operations; and disaster resistance and recovery.
Manage Homeland Security Grants
Oversee management of the county’s Department of Homeland Security and state domestic preparedness grant programs. In addition, DEMS is the lead agency for county management of FEMA Public Assistance reimbursements, Statewide Mutual Aid (SMA) requests and Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) requests.
Recovery Coordination
Serves as the County coordination point for federal disaster relief and recovery programs. Following a declared emergency, DEMS provides leadership in the recovery of County disaster funds, promotes Individual Assistance Programs, and assists FEMA recovery teams. DEMS works with County agencies to promote disaster resistant mitigation programs such as flood plain management, dam safety and debris management.
Manage Emergency Alert and Notification Systems
In conjunction with the Office of Public Affairs, DEMS notifies emergency responders, county employees, private partners and residents in the event of an emergency that may affect public safety. Registration on Fairfax Alerts allows residents to choose what type of alerts they would like to receive (weather, traffic and/or emergency alerts) and how they would like to receive them (email, text or voicemail) making Fairfax Alerts an accessible alerting system for the whole community.
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