(Posted 2023 January)
The Burgos* family has provided foster care for a male youth for more than four years. They have provided the ideal mixture of being available to give James* guidance while letting him learn to make independent decisions. James came into their care at 16 years old, and the family has supported him through finishing high school and adjusting to college where he is now a senior.
They’ve encouraged James to save money, so that he’ll have a good savings account when he ages out of foster care. The Burgos have also helped James in negotiating his relationship with his biological family, and he now has a much-improved relationship with his family of origin.
Even now that James is under Independent Living, he still stays with the Burgos family on vacations from college. His college girlfriend has also visited with the foster family.
They have provided him with a strong foundation to get started in his next phase of life. We are so grateful for the caring relationship James has with his foster parents, and the ways they have set him up for success.
*Names changed to protect confidentiality.
Provided by the Placement and Resource Unit
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