Public Works and Environmental Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our administrative offices are open to the public. Appointments are preferred. Please call or email 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday
703-324-5800 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway
Suite 449 Fairfax, VA 22035
Carey Needham
Director, Capital Facilities

Capital Facilities - Wastewater Design and Construction Division

wastewater disinfection project
Disinfection System Replacement Project

The Wastewater Design and Construction Division (WDCD) manages the design and construction of capital projects for wastewater infrastructure in Fairfax County to include work at the Noman M. Cole Jr., Pollution Control Plant and the network of sanitary sewer collection systems throughout the county. Projects include replacement/rehabilitation of gravity sewers, force mains, pump stations, wastewater treatment plant expansions/upgrades, and sanitary sewer extensions and improvement projects. This work includes all aspects of planning and design for projects, permitting, bidding, construction management, and project close-out.

The Collections Branch of the Wastewater Design and Construction Division provides both design and construction management for Fairfax County’s wastewater collection system. The team is on the cutting edge and is consistently developing and using forward thinking concepts and new technologies such as Building Information Modeling, Mixed Reality, and Lidar. Representative projects include the new 25 million gallons daily (MGD) Tysons West Pump Station and associated gravity and force main sewers, the new 10 MGD Tysons East Pump Station and associated gravity and force main sewers, the 48” Accotink Gravity Interceptor, the Little Hunting Creek Gravity Sewer, and various fast paced emergency response projects. Training, mentorship, and advanced tools are provided for all team members.

Sample project pictures

wdcd - collection collage

The Wastewater Treatment Branch (WTB) of the Wastewater Design and Construction Division (WDCD) implements Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects for the award-winning Noman M. Cole, Jr., Water Recycling Facility (NMCWRF). It is a 67 million gallon daily (MGD) advanced wastewater treatment plant owned and operated by Fairfax County Government, located in Lorton, VA. WTB provides full project and construction management services from project inception through project closeout. The NMCWRF CIP includes a mix of new facilities and treatment processes, rehabilitation and renewal of existing facilities, and treatment processes with current construction values in excess of $250 million. WDCD is unique, as it is one of only a few groups where project managers lead all aspects of project development and implementation, from project planning, design, bidding and construction management to project closeout and turnover. Projects are also delivered using a variety of methods including Design-Bid-Build (DBB), Design-Build (DB), and Construction Manager-at-Risk (CMAR).

Sample project pictures

biosolids processing

Biosolids Processing Rehabilitation (TPE $154M)

motor control centers

Motor Control Centers and Distribution Centers Replacement (TPE $102M)

ultraviolet disinfection system

Ultraviolet Disinfection System (TPE $87M): using CMAR

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