Public Works and Environmental Services Alert:
There will be some improved response time since the new station allows direct access onto Beacon Hill.
The first due response area for the Penn Daw Fire Station remains unchanged and is shown in the map below.
Per the National Standards, turnout time (station notification to wheels roll) for EMS calls is 60 seconds and arrival on scene is five minutes. Turnout time for fire suppression calls is 80 seconds with the first units on scene in five minutes and 20 seconds.
The fire station is being designed to accommodate 23 staff.
The current apparatus at the fire station are two Medic ALS Units, one Heavy Rescue Unit, one Ladder Unit, one Engine Unit, and one Brush Truck. At this time, no additional equipment is planned; however, the apparatus bays are being designed to accommodate the future needs.
Upgraded emergency vehicle preemption will be installed at the signal at Beacon Hill Road and Route 1, which will improve the impact of emergency response vehicles on traffic on Beacon Hill Road.
The project will be designed with full cut-off site light fixtures, which will prevent light trespass on the adjacent properties.
In addition to the annual Fire Station Open House, the community events held at the station include the back-to-school backpack distribution, coat distribution, and holiday gift distribution.
The following standards and best practices will be included in the facility:
Homelessness is a national, statewide, and local challenge that is in virtually every community. In response to this challenge, in the early 2000’s communities across the country developed plans to stop managing homelessness and actually end it. The Fairfax-Falls Church community, including government, nonprofit, and other partners, developed a plan in 2008 that was adopted by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. It identified strategies needed to end homelessness locally. It focused on preventing homelessness whenever possible, increasing the supply of affordable housing, integrating services to support people’s housing stability, and creating a system of accountability. In October 2020 the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness published its latest strategic plan, which reiterates the national goal of making homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring.
According to the Point in Time count results, there were 1,041 people who were homeless in Fairfax County on the night of January 22, 2020. This represents a one percent increase from the year before and an eight percent increase over three years. Over the course of the 12 months ending September 30, 2020, there were 2,647 people who resided in emergency housing across the county (not including the dedicated domestic violence housing). Of all the people entering emergency housing during the year, 66 percent did not have entries into emergency housing, transitional housing, or permanent housing programs dedicated to serving people experiencing homelessness in the prior 24 months.
The location on Beacon Hill Road allows first responders direct access to emergencies in the community. The selected site also integrates individuals who are homeless into an area with access to public transportation and employment opportunities.
Funding for an emergency and supportive housing was approved in the 2016 Human Services and Community Development Bond Referendum; however, a suitable location had not been identified. When the Hybla Valley Nursery site became available, the county recognized an opportunity to co-locate the new fire station with the emergency and supportive housing in a new, modern facility. Co-locating services align with the county’s One Fairfax and Diversion First objectives.
Fairfax County operates nine emergency and three supportive housing facilities for people experiencing homelessness. Three emergency housing locations are operated in South County: the Eleanor Kennedy Shelter and Mondloch House for adults and the Next Steps Family Program for families with children. Two emergency housing facilities are located in the eastern part of the county, one with permanent supportive housing: the Patrick Henry Family Shelter for families with children and the Baileys Shelter and Supportive Housing. One emergency housing facility in the northern part of the county serves both adults and families with children, the Embry Rucker Community Shelter. The central and western reaches of the county are served by the Katherine Hanley Family Shelter for families with children. The two Artemis House shelters for people fleeing domestic violence are at undisclosed locations due to safety reasons. One is located in the Western part of the County, and one in the Southern part of the County.
Additional emergency housing capacity is created during the winter months, December through March, by using floor space at county offices and other spaces to support the Hypothermia Prevention Program. Hotels are being used during the pandemic to isolate individuals that have tested positive with the COVID-19 virus; quarantine individuals who were exposed to positive individuals or are symptomatic and waiting for test results; provide protective housing for individuals at risk of serious illness if infected; and overflow emergency housing to reduce crowding in congregate emergency housing and meeting new demand.
The county is working on a new generation of facilities for our homeless community. The county is changing how we prevent and end homelessness. We have some very old facilities with lots of wear and tear that weren’t built to accommodate the new models for housing our homeless population. The new Beacon Hill location will have much more efficient resources and staff to provide the best care possible to this vulnerable community.
The average individual's length of stay at the Eleanor Kennedy Shelter in Fiscal Year 2020 was 77 days.
During the day clients go to work, attend medical appointments, conduct housing and employment searches, and travel to a variety of other vital community services. Residents are offered transportation to local resources. If residents choose to stay on-site during the day, a variety of services are available there to promote individuals’ return to housing stability.
While on site, emergency housing guests can meet with their housing case manager, receive visits from other supportive service entities like mental health workers, nurse practitioners, employment specialists, etc., use the computer, and meet their basic needs, like eating, showering, doing their laundry, and resting. Emergency housing guests are neither confined to the building nor required to leave. Staff support guests’ ability to manage their own schedules and provide the assistance necessary to help them achieve their goals. Guests generally spend daytime hours out of their dorm rooms, unless otherwise necessary, to encourage productivity when possible.
The Eleanor U. Kennedy Shelter is operated by New Hope Housing and supported by several Fairfax County agencies, primarily the Office to Prevent and End Homelessness in the Department of Housing and Community Development. At least two staff are on duty at all times, 24 hours a day and seven days a week, with additional staff and volunteers at different hours. During the daytime hours, there are up to 21 staff members on-site, including case managers, administrative staff, and volunteers. Volunteers provide a great deal of support to the emergency housing facility. In 2019, approximately 500 volunteers served more than 5,000 hours at the Eleanor U. Kennedy Shelter.
The use of alcohol and illegal drugs is not permitted on emergency housing property. Residents will have the opportunity to receive treatment for substance abuse issues during their stay. As a safety precaution, all residents are subject to breathalyzer and urinalysis if they present signs and symptoms of alcohol and/or drug use. This is to ensure staff is aware of anyone who is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol so that they can provide appropriate oversight and supervision to ensure the emergency housing residents’ health and safety throughout their stay.
Emergency housing facilities utilize a trauma-informed service approach, which takes into account how substance use can be associated with experiences of trauma, including experiencing homelessness, and promotes an environment of healing and recovery rather than practices that may inadvertently re-traumatize individuals. For this reason, intoxication by itself is not grounds for termination, unless the intoxication is associated with behaviors that present an immediate threat to the health and safety for themselves or others. If emergency housing guests are found using drugs or alcohol on the property, staff will address the behaviors first before resorting to a termination and leaving someone unsheltered in the community.
An initial list of 12 potential sites was identified for the emergency and supportive housing facility:
The alternative site search was focused along Route 1 because a need for an emergency and permanent supportive housing facility has been identified in the Lee and Mount Vernon District especially along the Route 1 corridor. While the existing Eleanor Kennedy Shelter is being utilized to address these needs, it is a hundred-year-old facility which was originally a water pump station, lies within a floodplain, is in need of significant repairs and cannot accommodate the addition of permanent supportive housing units. Hence, alternative sites were considered for replacement of the Eleanor Kennedy Shelter which could accommodate the addition of permanent supportive housing units and provide better access to public transportation for emergency housing occupants.
The Penn Daw Fire Station and Supportive Housing Advisory Committee has been established which includes members from nearby communities, public safety representatives, faith community and affordable/emergency housing providers, the Mount Vernon Council of Citizens Association, the Mount Vernon Lee Chamber of Commerce, Fort Belvoir and county staff. The Advisory Committee has been meeting every month since November 2020. The role of the committee members is to provide information about the project to their individual community groups and seek feedback. County staff is planning larger community-wide meetings in Spring of 2021, which will be advertised on the project website. Frequently Asked Questions based on those received from the Advisory Committee, citizens, and community associations, will be posted and updated continually on the project website. Questions from future larger community meetings will be collected and responded to in follow-up meetings and posted on the project website.
Affordable Housing refers to price-restricted housing. In the context of many financing programs, housing that serves households with an average income at or below 60% of the Area Median Income. Permanent supportive housing (PSH) is a type of community-based affordable housing without a designated length of stay in which supportive services are provided to assist homeless persons with a disability to live independently. Typically, PSH is prioritized for individuals with the longest lengths of homelessness and greatest vulnerability due to complicated physical and mental health conditions.
Noise mitigation techniques such as additional layer of concrete padding between the floors, special window and frame design, additional insulation, and selective material selection will be evaluated for incorporation as the design progresses.
The current site utilization proposal includes Penn Daw Fire Station, Eleanor Kennedy Emergency and Supportive Housing, and affordable housing. Green space requirements and considerations will be evaluated as the site design progresses with the final determined uses on site.
The goal of emergency housing programs is to contribute to the health and safety of residents, staff, volunteers, and the greater neighborhood. To that end, guests at the emergency housing facility review program guidelines with an intake worker and their case manager at admission. The guidelines include expectations for being a good neighbor and not engaging in dangerous behaviors. Emergency housing staff also collaborate with Fairfax County public safety departments, including Fire and Rescue and Police, to address specific concerns.
The facility staff are responsive to feedback from the community and are committed to do everything possible to be good neighbors. Outreach workers regularly engage with people experiencing homelessness outside of the emergency housing facility, who may or may not be participating in the emergency housing program. They also work collaboratively with the Community Services Board’s mental health outreach team to engage unsheltered individuals and connect them to emergency housing and other services.
Individuals who are part of an adult-only household must call one of the three designated emergency housing facilities to request a bed: Baileys, Kennedy or Rucker. Individuals are assessed using a standardized tool for a variety of factors, including their likelihood to die if unsheltered, that determines their prioritization for a bed. Individuals may have to wait for a bed to be vacant, at which point an emergency housing or outreach worker will contact them.
Fairfax County residents are prioritized over residents from other jurisdictions for access to a bed. Residency is determined through a previously established connection to the county (benefits, previous address, healthcare services or schools, as examples) or where they report to be sleeping. Emergency housing does not request or require citizenship documentation for entry. Permanent supportive housing generally does not require citizenship documentation, though certain federal funding sources may require it for eligibility.
Drop-in services are available at the existing Eleanor Kennedy Shelter for people to obtain assistance meeting some of their basic needs including showers, laundry and food. People can also meet with a case manager during drop-in hours. During the winter season, the emergency housing facility is available seven days a week for drop-in support. In the non-winter months, drop-in is typically available three to four days a week. If someone presents at the facility during off hours, staff will still greet them, identify their needs, and determine how they can assist. Between six and ten people per day will come to the shelter during the winter season and fewer in the warmer months.
Emergency housing staff will engage those who are not in the facility and try to assist them in identifying needs and will invite them inside to receive services on-site or provide needed assistance to receive services at other locations. The facility has a variety of programming opportunities to keep participants engaged throughout the day in addressing a variety of topics including employment and housing opportunities, training and professional development, and health and well-being.
Staff maintain an active partnership with local law enforcement to assist, as appropriate, should individuals be found to be breaking the law on-site or within the community.
Per county policy, all building projects over 10,000 square feet are required to pursue achievement of LEED Gold. The project will pursue this requirement at the Beacon Hill site along with all other county sustainability goals.
In addition, in accordance with the Board’s vision for environmental quality, efforts will be taken to manage the stormwater generated by the development and develop the site in a responsible manner. At a minimum, the project will be designed to meet federal, state, and local regulatory requirements for stormwater quality and detention. Though the current Hybla Valley nursery site does not contain the magnitude of developed structures that would be proposed, it also does not contain existing stormwater management practices.
As development commences into design, a study will be conducted to analyze the potential impacts of the proposed development and account for them in the design.
The upcoming improvements envisioned along Richmond Highway with the Embark project allow for quick access to rapid transit. The future vision of the Comprehensive Plan for this area of Richmond Highway includes commercial and business zones that will provide employment opportunities.
The Comprehensive Plan identifies the Beacon/Groveton Community Business Center (CBC) as the focal point for the Richmond Highway Corridor. This CBC is expected to become the most urban and densely developed of all the CBC’s on the corridor. The Beacon Hill site is uniquely positioned within the transition zone between the future of urban development surrounding the Embark Richmond Highway Corridor and the adjacent residential neighborhoods. The mix of services proposed at the site could serve as an appropriate gateway from the CBC planned along Route 1 into the neighborhood.
A use has not been determined for the existing Penn Daw Fire Station once it has been replaced with a new station at the Beacon Hill site. Also, funding has not been allocated for a project that could be located at the existing fire station site. The county will evaluate best uses and will consider community feedback for potential uses.
A primary indicator of the need for permanent supportive housing is the number of people who are experiencing chronic homelessness in the community. In the 2020 Point in Time Count of people experiencing literal homelessness, there were a total of 41 chronically homeless households identified in Human Services Region 1, which encompasses most of the Mt. Vernon and Lee supervisory districts.
The following criteria were applied when evaluating sites for the fire station, emergency and supportive housing components.
General Site Considerations:
Temporary and Permanent Fire Station Sites:
Emergency and Supportive Housing Sites:
The Hybla Valley Nursery site was purchased with the Penn Daw Fire Station bond.
Yes. County staff has confirmed that the former daycare facility located across the street from the proposed site is no longer in operation.
The location of emergency housing, or shelter, for people experiencing homelessness are not generally restricted by any federal, state, or local code in relation to their proximity to schools or daycare. In consideration for the concern voiced by Fairfax County residents, staff proposed the site because it is beyond 500 feet of an active school, playground, or daycare facility. Also, staff has confirmed that the former daycare across from the proposed site is no longer in operation.
The majority of the parcel evaluated at the Lorton site lay within a floodplain and FEMA flood hazard zone. The developable area available at the Lorton site lies within 500 feet of the Lorton Station Elementary School. There are no restrictions for emergency housing facilities to be adjacent to schools but placing one within 500 feet of a school or childcare facility would limit those with prior offender history from seeking shelter at the facility, due to the proximity restrictions set by state ordinance.
There is currently no plan to develop a new family shelter or transitional housing facility. Fairfax County has funds from the 2016 bond to redevelop or replace four shelters. Only one is in the South County, the Eleanor Kennedy shelter.
Individuals experiencing homelessness typically have little to no income. The proposed site for the shelter includes access to employment opportunities and public transportation, which is important for their return to housing stability.
The location of an emergency housing or shelter facility is not restricted by any federal, state, or local code in relation to their proximity to schools or daycare. However, in consideration of the state mandated restrictions for individuals registered as a sex offender, staff proposed a site location to best accommodate those restrictions. § 18.2-370.3. Sex offenses prohibiting residing in proximity to children; penalty (
During the day, individuals experiencing homelessness can walk into the shelter to get access to basic services like showers, laundry, and food. Beds are limited so individuals need to request to be put on a list for the next available bed. Access is prioritized based on a number of factors, including Fairfax County residency, age, and health condition.
The facility will provide emergency housing for individuals experiencing homelessness as well as a number of supportive services - including meals, laundry, case management and training opportunities designed to assist individuals towards housing stability. These programs are specifically focused towards individuals experiencing homelessness and are not open to the community at-large. However, community members are welcome to participate as volunteers with New Hope Housing where they can lend their specific skills to helping people in need.
Research shows that the primary cause of homelessness is the lack of housing that is affordable to people with extremely low incomes. That is why individuals with chronic health conditions and serious disabilities are over represented in the population of people experiencing homelessness. The guests of the Kennedy Shelter are typical of the population of households consisting of adults without children. More information about this population can be found on the Fairfax County website about the annual Point in Time count at --
The proposed shelter location is large enough to accommodate more space per guest than the current Kennedy shelter, which would reduce crowding and the possible transmission of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19.
Also, the proposed location for the new shelter exists on land that is already owned by Fairfax County and would not require additional costs to house shelter guests.
The facility will be staffed with trained service providers that are able to help connect guests with needed support services off-site. In addition, mental health workers from the Community Services Board, the public behavioral health provider, also routinely visits to provide services on-site.
Fairfax County residents are prioritized for emergency shelter but residents from other jurisdictions cannot be excluded entirely as state and federal funding supports the shelter operations.
Unlike shelters of previous eras, this facility will not require guests to leave during the day. Many, however, do leave to go to work and to keep other appointments. Daytime programming and case management services will be ongoing throughout the day, and guests are welcome to participate.
Among adults experiencing homelessness in Fairfax County and according to the 2021 Point in Time survey, 21 percent are employed and 54 percent have income of some sort. We do not track employers or employment locations in a way that allows us to report this information.
Most adults staying at the Kennedy Shelter, if employed, will work in food service, retail, or manual labor. The shelter location affects employment primarily by reducing the distance and travel time between the guests and potential employers.
People experiencing homelessness are not inherently dangerous. The average length of stay in the Kennedy shelter last year was 71 days.
The current identified need is for a shelter to replace the Eleanor Kennedy Shelter – a facility serving adults experiencing homelessness.
Individuals experiencing homelessness with health insurance will use medical services at INOVA and other private providers. Individuals without health insurance will use low-cost health clinics such as the Neighborhood Health clinic, which is located close to the proposed shelter site.
The 10-year Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness was adopted by the Board of Supervisors in February of 2007. Since that time, the Office to Prevent and End Homelessness has led the effort in administering the strategic objectives of that plan. In July 2020, the Office to Prevent and End Homelessness was joined with the Department of Housing and Community Development. While the Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness may not exist in its former form, all strategy areas are still being actively pursued by the combined staff the county's Department of Housing and Community Development. The Countywide Strategic Plan, which is new and under consideration by the Board of Supervisors, also includes housing and homelessness strategies that will shape future efforts.
The long-term impact of COVID-19 on work culture remains to be seen and may become a factor in the commercial real estate market. However, it is anticipated that the need for affordable housing will continue to be one of the primary challenges facing our community from a variety of perspectives, including economic competitiveness. Many of the residents who live in affordable housing communities are employed by jobs and professions not suited for telework. Therefore, the need for affordable housing throughout the community remains as significant, if not greater at this time. It is not anticipated that the county will re-calculate its existing estimates, nor is it anticipated that the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments will recalculate its affordable housing estimates and targets for the region.
Emergency shelter serves a different purpose than group homes for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities, or mental health issues. People with disabilities live throughout Fairfax County in homes that they own or rent, as well as County programs.
Fairfax County staff proposed that the emergency shelter, supportive housing, and affordable housing be located at the site on Beacon Hill because it is a location that will provide access to employment opportunities and public transportation so residents can participate in the region’s economic vitality and connect to the community’s assets and resources.
As part of the process to achieve equity and advance opportunity for all, Fairfax County staff have engaged community members to foster civil discourse and dialogue and ensure that the breadth of interests, ideas, and values of all people are heard and considered. Through engagement, staff are listening to community concerns and identifying strategies to address barriers for opportunity, mitigate potentially negative impacts and promoting success for everyone.
Purchasing single family home residences in lieu of a single adult emergency shelter is not supported by Fairfax County staff. There are multiple reasons why this approach would not be optimal. Such as:
Fairfax County has used a variety of congregate and non-congregate emergency shelter models. The shelter proposed for the site at Beacon Hill Road has not been designed, yet. Feedback from the Penn Daw Advisory Committee, along with the latest research and best practices, will inform the eventual shelter design.
Congregate shelters tend to allow for a larger number of beds for a lower cost than non-congregate shelters. However, guests in congregate shelters have less privacy. And, as per guidance from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) congregate shelters may increase the transmission of viruses, such as COVID-19.
The proposed emergency and supportive housing facility would feature 50 emergency shelter beds along with 20 single-occupant permanent supportive housing units.
The existing Eleanor Kennedy Shelter is not recommended for replacement due to the current age and condition of the existing facility. Renovation would require complete modernization of the existing interior and building systems, refurbishment of exterior materials, roof replacement, new utility connections, and the addition of stormwater management facilities. In addition, renovation and expansion to include permanent supportive housing units would not be feasible at the current site due to the facility’s location within a floodplain as well as its status on the Historical Registry, which further restricts the extent of changes that can be done to the exterior.
Fairfax County staff are investigating the impact of homeless shelters on nearby property values. The findings will be shared with community members when the data is compiled.
When affordable housing is under consideration in a development, community feedback, extensive site research, intensive fiscal analysis and other due diligence are analyzed to determine a strategy. At the completion of these tasks, it was concluded that the affordable housing portion needed to be adjusted. Instead of the previously proposed 60 units of affordable housing and 20 units of permanent supportive housing, it was determined that 30 units of permanent supportive housing exclusively would deliver greater community benefit and be more fiscally feasible.