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The Jones Point Pump Station is a 1.43 Million Gallon Per Day (MGD) capacity pump station located at 5840 Cameron Run Terrace, Alexandria, Virginia, 22303. This pump station was originally constructed in 1972, with rehabilitation completed in 1997. The nearby screening and odor control facility is located approximately 200 feet north of the existing pump station and screens the transmission line wastewater before it is siphoned to the Alexandria Renew Enterprises sewer system and treated at the Alexandria Renew Water Resources Recovery Facility. As the existing pump station, force main, and screening and odor control facility age, improvements and new infrastructure are needed to overcome operational issues associated with aging equipment. Significant maintenance challenges have been noted in previous concept studies performed for the pump station and the screening and odor control facility.
Existing Conditions
Project Description
This project includes replacement of the existing pump station and force main and rehabilitation of the existing screening and odor control facility. Construction challenges presented by the Huntington Levee and operational issues at the existing pump station location are too great to complete an in-place rehabilitation. Therefore, the new pump station will be located on existing property owned by Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and a small amount of existing property owned by Fairfax County Park Authority. The new pump station and force main piping will be sized to accommodate anticipated flows until 2045 and potentially beyond. Therefore, the new pump station will have a slightly higher capacity of 1.48 MGD. An access road is proposed that will provide access to the pump station and to serve as an alternative access to the Huntington Levee access road. Permanent and temporary easements will be required for this project.
This project will apply Envision sustainability framework, with Envision Silver verification being pursued for this project. Envision was developed by the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure and is a tool for evaluating and rating projects based on social, economic, and environmental benefits. More information about Envision can be found at the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure website. The project is currently in the 35% Design phase.
The rehabilitation of the existing screening and odor control facility will occur entirely within the existing facility. No increase in capacity is necessary for the screening and odor control facility. Work will include interior structural repairs and replacement of existing mechanical and electrical equipment that has reached the end of its useful life.
Project Location
Address: 5840 Cameron Run Terrace, Alexandria, VA 22303
Project Phase
The project is currently in the 35% design phase.
Project Benefits
Replacement of a 50-year-old, 1.43 Million Gallon Per Day (MGD) pump station with a new pump station will have a capacity of 1.48 MGD to handle future anticipated flows until 2045 and potentially beyond.
Construction of a new force main.
Rehabilitation of the existing screening and odor control facility to replace equipment that has reached the end of its useful life.
Construction of an access road that will serve both the pump station and the Huntington Levee.
Project will utilize Envision sustainability framework with a goal of obtaining Envision Silver verification.
35% Design Completion: Fall 2024
70% Design Completion: Spring 2025
95% Design Completion: Winter 2026
Bid Ready Documents: Spring 2026
Construction Bid Advertisement: Summer 2026
Construction Contract Award: Fall 2026
Construction Notice-to-Proceed: Fall 2026
Construction Substantial Completion: Spring 2028
What to Expect
During design, residents may notice survey crews and engineering staff visiting the project location to obtain data and information on existing site conditions. Two public hearings will be held during the design period, with the first one occurring in early 2025. The owners of any properties from which temporary and/or permanent easements are required will be contacted by a Fairfax County right-of-way agent in early 2025. Construction is anticipated to begin in Fall 2026 and be substantially completed in Spring 2028.
Project Cost and Funding Source
The estimated construction cost for this project is $9.7 million. This project is being funded through Sewer Use fees and Availability Charges which are assessed when new connections are made to the Fairfax County sanitary sewer system.
Presentation to the Community
The first of two public hearings is anticipated to be held in early 2025.
For questions about the project, please contact project manager Natasha Schmidt, call 703-324-5080, TTY 711, or call 571-407-4529.