Public Works and Environmental Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our administrative offices are open to the public. Appointments are preferred. Please call or email 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday
703-324-5800 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway
Suite 449 Fairfax, VA 22035
Carey Needham
Director, Capital Facilities

Lincoln-Lewis-Vannoy (LLV) System Improvements – Phase I

Project Number: WW-000001-026

Project Update: December 19, 2024

The project is in the construction phase. Construction contract has been awarded to CA Murren Construction.

Project Background

The Lincoln-Lewis-Vannoy community is served by a low-pressure sewer system originally installed in the 1980s. As the system has aged and the area has been developed there have been an increasing number of sewer main breaks in recent years.

Project Description

The intent of phase I of this project is to reduce system pressure and the risk of sewer main breaks. A review of the system determined a segment of 4-inch pipe between manhole MH 066-2-016 and a point where the flows from Lewis Park combine with the flows from Lincoln Park and Vannoy Acres has the highest consequence of failure. This phase will replace approximately 1,320 linear feet of 4-inch pipe along Braddock Road with two parallel 4-inch pipes to separate the Lincoln Park and Vannoy Acres flows from the Lewis Park flow. The project aims to minimize potential for odor generation at the sewer discharge point near the Hampton Forest Community. The project will also address odor control facility redundancy and reliability.

Project Location

The project is located on Braddock Road approximately between Crofton Green Drive and Willow School Road.

LLV project location map
Map: Project Location

Project Phase

The project now is in the construction phase.

Project Benefits

The LLV System Phase I Improvements project will:

  • Alleviate system pressures;
  • Create redundancy in the system;
  • Reduce risk of sewer main breaks;
  • Provide more reliable odor control.


Design begins: Summer 2022
Design completes: Winter 2023
Construction begins: Summer 2024


Presentations to the Community

On August 9, 2023, we held a community meeting to discuss what to expect as we move into construction. Please see the presentation LLV System Improvements (Phase 1) Community Meeting - August 9, 2023.

What to Expect

The project has been awarded to a qualified contractor “CA Murren Construction” through a competitive bidding process. Construction has started mid-June 2024, all work is supervised by Fairfax County staff. Every effort is made to minimize disturbances and impacts to public and private areas. Careful consideration is given to schedule construction activities to minimize disruption in the community. No disruption is expected to the existing sanitary sewer service.

Project Cost and Funding Source

Construction of the first phase of the LLV System Improvements project is estimated at $1.7M. Wastewater construction projects are funded through the County’s Capital Improvement Program.


For more information, please email the Construction Manager, Bishoy Shenouda, PE at within the Wastewater Design and Construction Division, Department of Public Works and Environmental Services, or call 703-324-5136.

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