Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District

703-324-1460 TTY 711
12055 Government Center Parkway
Suite 905, Fairfax, VA 22035
Willie Woode
Executive Director

January Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - January 23, 2024

Approved February 27, 2024

Meeting held in person with a virtual option via Microsoft Teams



Mr. Cameron called the meeting to order at 9:51 am. Those attending in person and virtually (*) were:



NVSWCD Directors and Associate Directors

Dana Barakat, Director

Rhonda Bitterli, Director

Adria Bordas, Director

Scott Cameron, Director

Chris Koerner, Director

Johna Gagnon, Associate Director*

Jim McGlone, Associate Director*

Jerry Peters, Associate Director

John Peterson, Associate Director


Cooperating Agency Representatives

Debbie Cross, Virginia DCR

Casey Iames, NRCS

Jacob Zielinski, Virginia DOF



Davis Grant, LBWID*

Austin Hope*

NVSWCD Staff Members

Willie Woode, Executive Director

Scott Baron, Urban Conservation Specialist

Meghan Cunha, Urban Conservation Specialist

Stacey Evers, Urban Agriculture Specialist*

Trish Feth, Communications Specialist

Judy Fraser, Urban Conservation Specialist

Rebecca Grossi, GMU Bonner Leader/Intern*

Denisa Hendriyadi, Education Specialist Intern

Heather Hunter-Nickels, Ag. Water Qual. & Cons. Specialist

Don Lacquement, Urban Conservation Specialist

Ashley Palmer, Communications & Education Specialist

Dan Schwartz, Soil Scientist

Heather Shackley, Operations Manager

Sophia Wood, Urban Conservation Specialist


*Participated Remotely


Welcome and Introductions

Mr. Cameron welcomed all to the meeting and noted there was a quorum with five board members present.


Election of Officers

The election of officers was deferred to the next board meeting in February 2024.


Minutes November 28, 2024

Mr. Koerner reported that he had reviewed the minutes of the November 28, 2023 meeting of the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District (NVSWCD) Board of Directors; the November 29, 2023 Special Board Meeting of the NVSWCD Board of Directors; and the December 18, 2023 meeting of the Ad Hoc Governance Committee (Governance Working Group), and that they had been distributed in advance of the meeting.


A motion (Koerner-Bordas) to approve the minutes of the November 28, 2023 board meeting was approved by voice vote.


A motion (Koerner-Bordas) to approve the minutes of the November 29, 2023 special board meeting was approved by voice vote.


A motion (Koerner-Bordas) to approve the minutes of the December 18, 2023 Governance Working Group was approved by voice vote.


Treasurer’s Reports – November and December 2023/Quarter 2 FY 2024

Mr. Koerner reported that the Treasurer’s Reports for November and December 2023 had been distributed in advance of the meeting. Mr. Koerner asked a question about the refund for rain barrels shown on the Managed Funds Spreadsheet. Ms. Shackley responded that there had been shipping issues with the barrels resulting in a refund and that Ms. Beach was in the process of reordering barrels and arranging delivery.


Hearing no other comments, the Treasurer’s Reports for November and December 2023 and Quarter 2 FY 2024 were accepted by consensus to be filed for audit.


Technical Review Committee

Ms. Bordas reported that the Technical Review Committee (TRC) met on January 16, 2024, to review one Conservation Plan, one Agricultural BMP, one Conservation Assistance Program-Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (CAP-VCAP) application, and six CAP-VCAP reimbursements. All these projects are recommended for approval by the board, The details of these projects had been included in the TRC Report in the board package:


Conservation Plan

  • Lift Me Up Therapeutic Riding Center


Agricultural BMP

  • Lombardozzi Stream Crossing and Buffer Enhancement


A motion (Bordas-Koerner) to approve the Lift Me Up Conservation Plan and the Lombardozzi Agricultural BMP, as recommended by the TRC at its January meeting, passed by voice vote.

New CAP/VCAP Applications

  • Crosby/Everett Permeable Paving, Great Falls - Dranesville District, Pond Branch Watershed

Size – 2,600 ft2; Cost Estimate - $56,710; Cost-Share Request - $20,000



  • Pickering Conservation Landscaping: McLean, Dranesville District, Pimmit Run Watershed

Size - 2,240 ft2; Cost - $21,145.35; Cost-share - $7,000

  • Hoffman Conservation Landscaping - Springfield, Franconia District, Cameron Run
  • Watershed

Size – 600 ft2; Cost - $858.59; Cost-Share - $686.87

  • Hidden Creek HOA Conservation Landscaping - Braddock District, Accotink Creek Watershed

Size – 322 ft2; Cost - $8,750; Cost-Share - $7,000

  • Taggart Permeable Paving - Fairfax, Springfield District, Cub Run Watershed

Size – 866 ft2; Cost - $17,050; Cost-Share - $12,124

  • Forsberg Conservation Landscaping - Falls Church, Mason District, Four Mile Run Watershed

Size 1,200 ft2; Cost - $7,967; Cost-share - $6,373.60

  • Kang Conservation Landscaping - Annandale, Mason District, Cameron Run Watershed

Size – 1,000 ft2; Cost - $6,523.70; Cost-share - $5,218.96


A motion (Bordas-Bitterli) to approve the one CAP/VCAP application and the six CAP/VCAP reimbursements as outlined above was approved by voice vote.


Programmatic Updates

Ms. Fraser reported that per the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (VASWCD), VCAP applicants will use new application documents starting in February, 2024.


Next Meeting of the Technical Review Committee

The next meeting of the TRC will be held on Tuesday, February 20, 2024.


Legislative Committee Report

The Legislative Committee did not meet in December or January. Mr. Cameron provided highlights from the Legislative Committee report which had been distributed in advance of the meeting. The next meeting of the Legislative Committee will be on Thursday, February 8, 2024.


Updates and Appointments

Mr. Cameron thanked Mr. Peters and Ms. Billger for their service to the board. He then asked Mr. Woode to discuss appointments.


Potomac Watershed Roundtable

Mr. Woode stated the district will need to appoint a voting member and an alternate to the Potomac Watershed Roundtable. He noted that the voting member must be a soil and water conservation district director, and the alternate may be a conservation district director, associate director, or staff member. Mr. Woode said he will continue to be the alternate for NVSWCD and the board will need to select the voting member before the next meeting of the roundtable on Friday, April 5, 2024.


Tree Planting and Preservation Fund Committee Representative

Mr. Woode recommended Ms. Hunter-Nickels be appointed to the Tree Planting and Preservation Fund Committee.


A motion (Koerner-Bordas) to approve the appointment of Ms. Hunter-Nickels to the Tree Planting and Preservation Fund Committee passed by voice vote.


Records Retention Officers

Mr. Woode recommended appointing Ms. Palmer in addition to reappointing Ms. Shackley as Records Retention Officers for NVSWCD.


A motion (Koerner-Bordas) to appoint Ms. Palmer and reappoint Ms. Shackley as NVSWCD Records Retention Officers passed by voice vote.




Freedom of Information Act Officer

A motion (Bordas-Barakat) to retain Ms. Shackley as the district Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officer passed by voice vote.


Tree Commission Representative

Mr. Peters will step down as the Tree Commission Representative in June, 2024 recommends Ms. Bitterli as his replacement.


A motion (Bordas-Barakat) to notify the Tree Commission that Jerry Peters will be the NVSWCD representative until mid-spring, at which time Ms. Bitterli will be appointed in his place passed by voice vote.


Governance Working Group Report

Approval of Draft Communications Document

Mr. Cameron noted that the draft communications document is a set of standard operating procedures, some driven by FOIA guidelines, others just considered best practices. Mr. Cameron then opened the floor to comments.


  • Mr. Woode noted that the document is a “green” document to be updated as necessary.
  • Mr. Koerner expressed concern that the document limits staff in their ability to speak to the board about their work, and he hopes there will be a mechanism to have strategic discussions between staff and the board. Mr. Woode responded that staff currently do have channels to inform the board of their work, namely monthly staff reports. Mr. Woode also noted that special presentations and an enhanced strategic planning program are in the works for this year.


A motion (Cameron-Bordas) was put forward that the communications document be adopted.


An amended motion (Cameron-Bordas) that the communications document, with technical corrections, be adopted passed by voice vote.


Green Breakfast

Ms. Palmer reported that the January Green Breakfast was held on January 13, 2024 with guest speaker Dr. Neely Law from the Fairfax County Office of Environmental and Energy Coordination. The March 2024 Green Breakfast will feature a representative from Mt. Cuba Center in Delaware. Ms. Feth is looking into possible venues for resuming some in-person Green Breakfasts.


Tree Commission

Mr. Peters reported that the Tree Commission met online on January 4, 2024. The Tree Commission will be revising the president and vice president positions and adding a secretary position. Mr. Peters also announced that Tree Commission representatives will hold a retreat on Thursday, January 25, 2024, and that the Friends of Trees award ceremony will be held on Tuesday, February 13, 2024.


Other Items—Directors, Associates, Consultants

  • Mr. Cameron reported that Delegate Bulova is on track to increase the budget for invasives removal including Trapa. He also reported the county’s flood control program will soon be active, with NVSWCD playing a key role. Finally, Mr. Cameron said that the Mt. Vernon Kiwanis Club is considering providing NVSWCD funding to hire an intern.


  • Ms. Bordas reported that the pesticide recertification class will be held Friday, February 2, 2024 at the Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale campus.


  • Mr. Koerner recognized Ms. Shackley, who received an Outstanding District Employee of the Year award at the VASWCD annual conference in December 2023. Mr. Koerner expressed his concern about the possible increased workload for district staff in consideration of the VCAP Memorandum of Understanding with Arlington County. Finally, Mr. Koerner recognized the education and outreach efforts of the storm labeling volunteer program, and commended Ms. Palmer’s “Who We Are” brochure, created for directors to use at the VASWCD Legislative Day.


Hearing no further items, Mr. Cameron asked Mr. Woode for his report.


Executive Director’s Report and Staff Reports

Mr. Woode noted that staff reports had been included in the board package and highlighted several items from his report:

  • Dr. Rice of Gallagher Consultants presented the findings of his governance study at a special board meeting held on November 29, 2023. The newly appointed Governance Working Group met on December 18, 2023.
  • District staff had a team building outing on December 1, 2023 at Bunnyman Brewing and Bowlero.
  • The Potomac Council and the Potomac Watershed Roundtable met virtually on January 12, 2024. January meetings of the council and the roundtable will continue to be virtual.
  • Ms. Hunter-Nickels and Mr. Baron are working towards Virginia Nutrient Management Certifications. Mr. Baron will specialize in turf and landscape nutrient management, and Ms. Hunter-Nickles in agricultural nutrient management.
  • Mr. Woode recognized Mr. Lacquement, who has been with the district for three years.


Staff Presentations, Reports and Announcements

  • Mr. Baron reported that the MyRec e-commerce platform implementation is going smoothly and training for staff is ongoing.


  • Ms. Palmer reported on the recent staff cleanup day. She listed several upcoming outreach events and asked for volunteer interest from staff, associate directors, or directors. Specifically, there is a need for Fairfax County Regional Science Fair judges March 15-17, 2024 and for volunteers for the Envirothon competition on April 9, 2024.


  • Mr. Schwartz announced the upcoming Rain Gardens for Homeowners workshop on Saturday, February 10, 2024.


Cooperating Agencies

Fairfax County Department of Public Works, Stormwater Planning Division

Ms. Barfield was unable to participate in today’s meeting.


Fairfax County Health Department

Mr. Shannon was unable to participate in today’s meeting.


Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation

Ms. Cross provided highlights from her report which had been included in the board package.


Natural Resources Conservation Service/USDA

Ms. Iames provided highlights from her report which had been included in the board package.


Virginia Department of Forestry

Mr. Zielinski reported that the Department of Forestry Trees for Clean Water Grant Program recently opened for applications. He also reported that wildfire season begins February 15, 2024.



There being no other business and by consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 11:39 am.


The next regular business meeting of the NVSWCD Board of Directors will be held on
March 26, 2024, at 9:30 am



Respectfully submitted,

Trish Feth, Communication Specialist

Christopher E. Koerner, Secretary-Treasurer

The next regular business meeting of the NVSWCD Board of Directors will be held on January 23, 2024 at 9:30 am


Technical Review Committee Meeting Minutes - January 16, 2024

Approved February 20, 2024                                                                       

A virtual meeting held via Microsoft Teams                   

Ms. Bordas called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Those present included:

  • Dana Barakat, Director, NVSWCD
  • Rhonda Bitterli, Director, NVSWCD
  • Adria Bordas, Director & Committee Chair, NVSWCD
  • Chirs Koerner, Director, NVSWCD
  • John Peterson, Associate Director, NVSWCD
  • Willie Woode, Executive Director, NVSWCD
  • Shannon Bell, DPWES-SWPD
  • Jim McGlone, VA DOF (retired)
  • David Field, Rotary Club
  • Scott Baron, NVSWCD
  • Meghan Cunha, NVSWCD
  • Trish Feth, NVSWCD
  • Judy Fraser, NVSWCD
  • Heather Hunter-Nickels, NVSWCD
  • Don Lacquement, NVSWCD
  • Ashley Palmer, NVSWCD
  • Dan Schwartz, NVSWCD
  • Sophia Woode, NVSWCD



A motion (Schwartz-Fraser) to authorize that the meeting be conducted virtually passes unanimously. State rules allow for up to two non-consecutive public meetings to be held virtually each year.



A motion (Schwartz-Fraser) to approve the minutes of the December 2023 Committee Meeting passed without objection.


Ms. Hunter-Nickels presented one Conservation Plan and an update on a BMP cost-share project

Conservation Plan: Lift Me Up Therapeutic Riding Center – Great Falls
Ms. Hunter-Nickels presented this plan at the November 21, 2023 TRC meeting and the Committee recommended it be approved by the Board. It is being presented again for the benefit of the two newly elected NVSWCD Board Members in attendance and because there was no Board meeting in December. The presentation is for informational purposes and no further action is needed by the Committee.


  • The 3-acre property hosts five horses but plans to expand to eight. The property is in the rezoning process to allow for increased traffic.
  • The property has extensive RPA and sensitive soils. Agricultural activity is allowed in up to 75% of the RPA.
  • The pastures are irrigated, have frost-free troughs and are aerated and seeded yearly. While plant coverage is good, Ms. Hunter-Nickels observed that grass is short because of overgrazing due to overstocking. The grass should be at least 3” tall, especially in the RPA.
  • The RPA is fenced off, but the protected buffer is only about 8-10’, whereas it should ideally be 25’ on average.
  • Drainage from the pastures flows to the RPA through a culvert. Vegetation around the culvert is sparse, likely due to horse grazing and trodding.
  • The manure stockpile is just outside the RPA on a concrete pad. Manure is hauled off once per month. The pile is in good condition but could be improved with a cover.
  • Ms. Hunter-Nickels prepared a Conservation and Nutrient Management Plan for the property. Recommendations include a temporary fence around the culvert to allow vegetation to grow in more densely, increasing the density and quality of water-loving plants in the RPA buffer, spreading composted manure in the fields, reconsidering the stocking rate, and following the recommendations of the Nutrient Management Plan.


Agricultural BMP – Lombardozzi Stream Crossing and Buffer Enhancement

Ms. Hunter-Nickels updated the Committee on the possible VACS-funded livestock stream crossing and buffer enhancement BMPs that she presented previously. Mr. Lombardozzi briefly considered adding a watering system, but decided against this so the projects are back to their original scope. The DCR engineering team is working on a few final tweaks before they can formally approve the designs. Mr. Lombardozzi may be preparing to sell the property, but Ms. Hunter-Nickels will continue to work with him and try to get these projects approved and built.



Ms. Cunha presented one new application and six reimbursement requests.


Crosby/Everett Permeable Paving, Great Falls: Dranesville District, Pond Branch Watershed

  • Applicants wish to replace a long driveway and adjacent gravel parking area with a permeable paving system consisting of gravel-filled grid pavers surrounded by a border of interlocking permeable concrete pavers. The system will also take in 500 sq. ft. of roof runoff.
  • The design calls for a 6” gravel storage layer. Due to the slope, two terraces will be installed below to create flat tiers for runoff to soak in. Underdrains will be provided along the entire length.
  • The current driveway slopes to the roadway where runoff drains into a nearby culvert.
  • Size – 2,600 ft2; Cost Estimate - $56,710; Cost-Share Request - $20,000
  • The Committee had many questions and comments. They are summarized below, with responses:
    • Does the project have proper setback from the house? The project slopes away from the house and directly borders the garage, which has a slab foundation. The applicants include an impermeable liner around the gravel drainage layer closest to the house. The Committee asks that the applicant be reminded that this liner must slope away from the house.
    • Pictures of the site show lots of leaves on the driveway. Applicants should be reminded that routine clearing of leaves and other debris is essential to prevent clogging. Ms. Fraser will make sure this is clear.
    • The gravel in the grid pavers will have to be replaced from time to time. Ms. Fraser will relay that point.
    •  Plowing, sanding and salting should not be used to treat/remove snow. It may be best just to let the snow melt. Ms. Fraser will relay those points.
    • The Committee discussed whether it would be a good idea to inspect the project during excavation but before it is filled with gravel. The consensus is that this would be useful but not required.


Pickering Conservation Landscaping: McLean Dranesville District, Pimmit Run Watershed

  • A large conversion of lawn and bare soil to native mulch beds.
  • The previously bare areas are very shady and were planted with highly shade tolerant species.
  • One roof downspout flows directly into the project.
  • Size - 2,240 ft2; Cost - $21,145.35; Cost-share - $7,000

Hoffman Conservation Landscaping: Springfield, Franconia District, Cameron Run Watershed

  • A fully DIY project with many plug-sized plantings that was inspected shortly after installation. As a result, plants were small and hard to see. They were also covered with leaf mulch for the colder months.
  • Plants seemed to be there and in accordance with the plan, but a follow-up inspection will be performed in the spring or summer to make sure the required extent and density are present and that the plants are growing.
  • The project went slightly over budget. Ms. Cunha asks the committee to approve an additional $80 in reimbursement.
  • Size – 600 ft2; Cost - $858.59; Cost-Share - $686.87


Hidden Creek HOA Conservation Landscaping: Braddock District, Accotink Creek Watershed

  • The second CL project the HOA has installed through VCAP. As with the first, the plantings were placed around a county storm drain yard inlet.
  • Plantings are growing well and tightly spaced.
  • Size – 322 ft2; Cost - $8,750; Cost-Share - $7,000

Taggart Permeable Paving: Fairfax, Springfield District, Cub Run Watershed 

  • Applicants replaced their driveway and walkway with permeable interlocking concrete pavers.
  • The project was inspected after heavy rain. While damp pavers were observed on the front right corner of the driveway, the applicants said that they were pleased with the performance and they saw no runoff flowing from the paving during the storm.
  • The system has an underdrain that empties into a small gravel-filled sump in the yard. The underdrain ends about where the observed damp spot begins.
  • Size – 866 ft2; Cost - $17,050; Cost-Share - $12,124
  • Committee members ask if the damp spot should be a concern. Ms. Bell states that due to the extreme rainfall of the last month, soils are saturated and draining slowly and she expects that the issue will resolve once the weather returns to average.

Forsberg Conservation Landscaping: Falls Church, Mason District, Four Mile Run Watershed

  • A large “woodland-style” planting just outside the RPA.
  • The installation is a little more spaced out than indicated on the plans and has many small plants that were hard to see. Because of this, a follow-up inspection will be scheduled in spring or summer.
  • When the project was approved, the TRC asked for additional density. This was provided but it pushed the costs up. Applicants are requesting an additional $640 in cost-share.
  • Size 1,200 ft2; Cost - $7,967; Cost-share - $6,373.60


Kang Conservation Landscaping: Annandale, Mason District, Cameron Run Watershed

  • Applicant improved the buffer of a small creek on her property by removing invasive species and and planting densely with native plants—especially carex and groundsel—and shrubs.
  • The project was inspected after a storm and is holding up well.
  • The total cost came out lower than expected because the applicant sourced her own plants.
  • Size – 1,000 ft2; Cost - $6,523.70; Cost-share - $5,218.96


A motion (Schwartz-McGlone) that the CAP-VCAP applications and reimbursements be recommended for approval by the NVSWCD Board at their January meeting passed without objection.



Ms. Fraser presented the new VASWCD VCAP documents to the Committee. The documents are modeled closely on the contract paperwork used for Virginia Agricultural Cost-Share (VACS) projects. The new documents have been vetted by the Office of the Attorney General. VASWCD is requiring that the new documents be used for all projects approved starting in February. Districts will be able to make suggestions for revisions to the forms at the start of fiscal year 2025.

The new paperwork consists of a single contract in three parts: Forms 1,2 and 3. A NVSWCD Director will sign Form 2 when the project is approved and will sign Form 3—or have a District staff member sign in their stead—after the project is complete and passes inspection.

The new contract makes individual districts, such as NVSWCD, responsible for paying back cost-share for any projects that are not maintained for the 10-year duration of the contract if the project’s owner can’t be induced to pay. Mr. Woode asks if this is true for Conservation Landscaping projects, and Ms. Fraser responds that it is, but that the Steering Committee is considering reducing the contract duration to 5 years for such projects. Ms. Fraser says that generally the program has had few issues with project maintenance.

Ms. Fraser mentions that the new forms sound very legalistic which may dampen the enthusiasm of applicants. She also mentions that one form seems to say that projects should be built in accordance with DEQ BMP Clearinghouse specification, a requirement which seems incompatible with CAP-VCAP because of the highly technical nature of the Clearinghouse specs.

Mr. Koerner asks if Ms. Fraser would like the backing of the Board on any suggested revisions she may bring to the state Steering Committee. She replies that she would, but she and Mr. Woode suggest waiting a few months so that the reaction of the public can be gauged first. Mr. Lacquement suggests bringing the concern about the BMP Clearinghouse reference to the Steering Committee now and delaying other comments for a few months.

Ms. Fraser will email out copies of the new forms to the TRC email list so that all in attendance have the opportunity to read through them and make comments.


Ms. Fraser announces that she will prepare a mid-year update on projects funded with local (Fairfax County) dollars. As a preview, $150,00 of local funds was received in FY2022 – 2023 and another $150,000 for FY24.

Ms. Fraser asks if the Committee would like to see any specific information presented in the update. Committee members make several suggestions: number of projects in each Supervisor District and watershed, demographic information for project locations, total project square footage, and costs per unit reduction of pollutants versus more traditional means. Ms. Bell and Ms. Fraser state that while pollution reduction costs can be examined, it will be hard to compare them to government-funded projects like stream restorations or major BMP installations because the costs and scales are so different. Ms. Bell states that one of the best benefits of the CAP-VCAP program is the education of new communities, a benefit that can’t be easily quantified.

A motion (Koerner-Woode) to adjourn the meeting passes unanimously. The meeting adjourns at noon. The next scheduled meeting is February 20th at 10 AM.


Executive Operations Committee - January 23, 2024

 Approved February 27, 2024

In-Person Meeting in the NVSWCD Conference Room


In Attendance

  • Rhonda Bitterli, NVSWCD Director
  • Dana Barakat, NVSCD Director
  • Scott Cameron, NVSWCD Director
  • Chris Koerner, NVSWCD Director
  • Adria Bordas, NVSWCD Director-Extension
  • Willie Woode, Executive Director
  • Heather Shackley, Operations Manager
  • Debbie Cross, DCR
  • Jerry Peters, Associate Director


Call to Order

Mr. Cameron called the meeting to order at 8:35 am and noted that an in-person quorum was present. 


Approval of Minutes

Following a motion (Bordas-Bitterli) the minutes of the November 28, 2023 meeting of the Executive-Operations Committee were approved by voice vote.


Nominating Committee Report

Ms. Bordas expressed her appreciation to all for their feedback and participation in the nomination process.  She listed the proposed slate of officers for 2024 and suggested that the committee discuss it to make sure everyone was in agreement and prepared to vote at this morning's board meeting. Ms. Bordas reviewed her process as Chair of the Nominating Committee, noting that she had a long conversation with every person who has a vested interest in how our board is run.  Ms. Bordas reminded those present that the district board is non-partisan.


Mr. Cameron expressed his appreciation to Ms. Bordas for her work, noting that she has spoken with directors, associate directors, and staff in developing the proposed slate of officers.  He then reported that he would be honored and grateful to serve as leader of the group, briefly describing his leadership style as collaborative.


Ms. Bitterli noted that Mr. Koerner is also interested in being Chair and would like to have him have an opportunity to serve in that role. 


Mr. Koerner then expressed his interest in serving as Chair, noting that he thinks he would do a good job in that role.


Mr. Cameron then asked members who raised concerns about the proposed slate of officers to elaborate about those concerns and to share some additional information about what they are seeking in a board Chair.  A discussion followed with board members expressing their ideas and Mr. Cameron and Mr. Koerner sharing their credentials for the position of Chair.


Ms. Cross noted the importance and complexity of the Treasurer position.  There was some discussion about the advantages to having a Co-Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer to serve with the Treasurer for a time to ensure consistency and continuity of operations.  Ms. Bordas asked Ms. Barakat if she would be willing to serve in this role.  Ms. Barakat agreed that she would be willing to be in training for the Treasurer position.  There was additional discussion about the importance of the Treasurer position to the success of the organization.


Mr. Cameron asked if board members were prepared to accept the slate of officers as proposed by the Nominating Committee.  Following a question about voting separately on the Chairmanship, it was noted that the slate would need to be voted on as a whole and could not be split.  Some members expressed their hesitation with voting for the proposed slate of officers.


(Ms. Shackley left the meeting at 9:40 am.)


The Executive Committee decided to postpone the vote on the slate of officers until a future board meeting.  Mr. Cameron will make that announcement at the board meeting.



By consensus the meeting adjourned at 9:45 am.

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