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Public Meetings Announced for Fairfax County and Franconia-Springfield Parkways Study

For Immediate Release
March 7, 2019

The Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) is inviting the public to attend a second round of public meetings on the Fairfax County and Franconia-Springfield Parkways Alternatives Analysis and Long Term Planning Study, and provide feedback to help further refine potential improvements to the corridor. Three public meetings have been scheduled for this spring, and will feature survey results and community feedback from last fall, as well as potential future improvements for the Parkway:

The meetings will begin with a formal presentation at 7 p.m., followed by a question and answer period. Participants will then have the opportunity to provide feedback to the FCDOT study team. For residents who cannot attend the public meetings, FCDOT will upload the meeting presentation to the study webpage by April 4 and invite feedback via an online survey that will be available through midnight, Monday, May 6, 2019.

The feedback gathered at the public meetings and the survey results will help guide the study team to determine which improvements will be developed for screening and testing.


The Long-Range Planning Study, led by FCDOT and in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), will provide recommendations for 2040 and beyond for the Fairfax County Parkway/Franconia-Springfield Parkway corridor. It will consider whether changes should be made to the county’s current Transportation Plan. The Alternatives Analysis & Long-Term Planning Study was authorized by the Board of Supervisors to re-evaluate currently planned improvements to both Parkways within the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan

In November 2018, FCDOT sought feedback from the community, holding three public input meetings at locations along the corridor and hosting an online survey for a month and a half. Strong public participation, with more than 200 people attending meetings and 15,150 responses to the online survey, informed the formulation of strategies that will be discussed at the upcoming round of public meetings and led to the removal of tolling along the parkway as one of the approved strategies for improvement.

For more information, visit the study page at

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