Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board

CONTACT INFORMATION: Emergency - 703-573-5679 / Detox - 703-502-7000 (24/7)
703-383-8500 TTY 711
8221 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive
Fairfax, Virginia 22031
Daryl Washington
Executive Director

Rights of people receiving CSB services

The goal of the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board is to provide individuals with the best possible services. As a person being served by CSB, you have rights that are protected by government regulations. No one may interfere with your rights, except under special circumstances. The following is a summary of these rights. If you need help understanding them, how they apply to you, or how you can get a full copy of the Human Rights Regulations, please contact staff.

You have the right:

  • To be treated with dignity and respect
  • To be well informed about your service plan
  • To participate in the development of your service plan
  • To have an authorized representative make decisions for you
  • To be accompanied by a trusted person (or persons) when participating in services planning, assessments and evaluations
  • To make informed decisions about your service plan
  • To privacy, safety and confidentiality
  • To be protected from abuse, neglect and exploitation
  • To receive services without discrimination as prohibited by law
  • To access information in your service records
  • To have your complaints resolved
  • To ask questions and be told about your rights
  • To get help with your rights

In addition, as a person living in a residential setting, you have the right:

  • To keep and use your personal belongings including sufficient and suitable clothing.
  • To receive nutritional, well-balanced meals.
  • To have or refuse visitors and to speak by phone or write letters to anyone unless your service plan limits this.
  • To talk in private with any court appointed representative or Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services Office of Human Rights Regional Manager, Region 2, Diana Atcha (804-426-3279).
  • To practice your religion and participate in religious services subject to their availability, provided that such services are not dangerous to self or others and do not infringe on the freedom of others.
  • To be paid for work that you do which is not part of your treatment program or service plan.

The CSB does not discriminate in the provision of services to an individual (a) because the individual is unable to pay; (b) because payment for those services would be made under Medicare, Medicaid, or the Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS) program; or (c) based upon the individual's race, color, sex, national origin, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Printable notice of rights available in...

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