2023 is almost here, which means it’s time to make personal and professional resolutions for the new year! Before the ball drops at midnight, let us recommend six great climate and energy related resolutions that can reduce your personal environmental impact and potentially save you some money in the process.
1. Benchmark your energy use. Commit to giving your monthly energy bills more than just a cursory glance this year. One of the best first steps you can take toward reducing your personal energy use is knowing how much energy you’re using month to month, and you’ll be able to compare your usage and look for even more opportunities to improve in real time.
Not used to analyzing your energy bills? Click here to take closer look at the elements of a residential electricity bill.
2. Program your thermostat. If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, let it be one of your first and best investments of 2023! If you have one already, take this opportunity to be sure it’s properly set for the coming colder months. To take it one step further, you can set reminders on your calendar to reset the timing and setpoints when the spring and summer season arrive.
This “set it and forget it” approach can ensure you’re using your HVAC system efficiently and saving energy throughout the year. For the most energy-efficient thermostat setpoints, we recommend 68*-72*) for the cooler months and 72*-74*in the warmer months
3. Drive less. If you’re looking for a very impactful way to take personal climate action, ditch your car whenever you can! Look at your schedule and decide if, and when, it’s practical for you to walk, bike, or take public transit to specific destinations. Can you walk to the store on weekends instead of driving? Bike around your neighborhood instead of driving to a gym? Take a bus or Metro to see friends? Every time you leave the house you have an opportunity to make a climate-friendly transportation choice.
Interested in reducing your transportation emissions even further? Consider buying or leasing an electric vehicle!
4. Turn off lights and electronics when they’re not in use. This one seems basic, and it is. If you or your family struggle to remember to turn off the lights, TV, computer monitors, or other electronics around the house, turn it into a friendly competition. Whenever someone forgets to flip the switch, they put a dollar in a communal jar (or a digital money account.) At the end of the year, you can put your earnings toward your electricity bill or energy-efficient home improvements.
5. Light it up with LEDs. Take stock of your lightbulbs and make a commitment to switching them out to LEDs in 2023. The upfront cost may be higher than CFLs, but you’ll save money over time along with significant energy. Click here to learn more about the impact using LED lightbulbs has on energy use.
With all the time you’re saving not changing lightbulbs, you can achieve your other resolutions!
6. Refuse. Reduce. Reuse. Repurpose. Recycle. The five R’s are not just about waste management, they’re also smart climate-action and energy-saving moves. By keeping an eye on your personal consumption and waste habits, you can cut back on the amount of raw material that is harvested, manufactured, and shipped.
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Did you find this inspiring? In need of even more climate action New Year’s Resolutions? Click here to read our Energy savings Tips blog.