Honorees Make Significant Contributions to Local Natural Environment, Community
FAIRFAX, Va. – Nov. 9, 2021 – Today, the Fairfax County Office of Environmental and Energy Coordination announced the winners of the 2021 Environmental Excellence Awards. Each year, the Environmental Excellence Awards recognize individual county residents, county employees, and organizations or businesses who advance or support the county’s environmental goals and policy statements, dedicate personal time and expertise beyond their normal fiscal and civic responsibilities, and demonstrate leadership within the community.
This year, the Fairfax County Environmental Quality Advisory Council (EQAC) selected six awardees. These individuals and organizations have demonstrated extraordinary dedication to the improvement of our natural environment, raising awareness of key environmental issues in our area and inspiring others to take action.
“The 2021 Environmental Excellence Award winners are outstanding leaders and advocates who share their talents and care for the environment through both their words and their actions,” said Stella Koch, chair of the Fairfax County Environmental Quality Advisory Council. “This year’s awardees have done far more than just demonstrate their passion for environmental issues. They have changed the face of our community by giving their time, energy, and expertise during an exceptionally challenging year. I and the other members of EQAC congratulate each and every one of them and we are grateful for their continued dedication to the betterment of the natural world around us.”
The 2021 Environmental Excellence Awardees are:
Individual County Resident Category
Debra Ann Jacobson. An incredible advocate and leader, Debra passed away in September 2021. She receives the 2021 Environmental Excellence Award posthumously. Debra was a tireless volunteer and a passionate voice within the Fairfax County community, calling for better environmental policies and practices. She served as a member of the Fairfax County Environmental Quality Advisory Council and was a member of both the legislative and executive committees of the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter. Debra’s career took her from Capitol Hill to the Department of Energy, to The George Washington University where she was co-director of the GW Solar Institute and an adjunct professor of law. She brought her expertise and experience to bear in her volunteer work, to the benefit of the Board of Supervisors and countless county residents.
Jennifer Pradas. Jennifer is a longtime volunteer with the Fairfax County Park Authority’s Invasive Management Area program and has dedicated well over 1,000 hours to the betterment of local green spaces such as Borge Street Park and Blake Lane Park. Specifically, she was instrumental in a campaign to save Blake Lane Park from proposed development. Her commitment to helping native plants and trees thrive through the removal of invasive species is remarkable and she shares her passion with others consistently. Jennifer works in the parks with youth groups, such as Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops, and leads advocacy campaigns to ensure the long-term preservation of open spaces for public enjoyment.
Senator Scott A. Surovell. In the 2020 legislative session, Senator Surovell was involved with or responsible for several key pieces of environmental legislation, including a bill to ban fracking for natural gas anywhere east of Interstate 95 in the Commonwealth of Virginia and legislation that will ensure Virginia builds out critical energy storage infrastructure by adding 2,700 megawatts of storage by 2030. Senator Surovell was recognized as a 2020 Legislative Hero by the Virginia League of Conservation Voters and was named state legislator of the year by the Virginia State Parks Association.
Organization Category
Reston Community Center. In 2020, the Reston Community Center (RCC) unveiled a completely renovated aquatics center, replacing the aging infrastructure of the original pool with two new pools and other physical improvements. This $5.5 million project incorporated a number of environmentally friendly features, consistent with RCC’s commitment to environmental stewardship. More than 177 tons of construction materials were recycled over the course of the project, natatorium-rated LED light fixtures were installed, and the HVAC and pool systems were replaced with more efficient equipment. This project is in addition to other, ongoing RCC environmental initiatives such as multiyear LED lighting replacement project. RCC also hosted its first-ever Green Reston event in 2021, bringing the community together for outdoor activities related to sustainability.
County Employee Category
Suzanne E. Foster. A talented landscape architect with the Fairfax County Stormwater Planning Division, Suzy has led and contributed to numerous projects throughout the county since 2014. In 2020, she helped to guide the design of the Herrity Fountain retrofit project, which won first place in the 2021 Chesapeake Stormwater Network Best BMP (Best Management Practice) in the Bay Award, Retrofit Category. The project, which overhauled a malfunctioning fountain on the Fairfax County Government Center campus, deployed over 5,000 native perennial forbs, grasses, shrubs, and trees. The project features a rainwater harvesting system that incorporates crushed recycled glass from the county’s “Purple Can Club.” The retrofit enhances water quality, increases green space, and showcases emerging green technologies.
Sarah King. As a counselor and therapist at a residential treatment facility for adolescent females involved with the county’s Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, Sarah expanded an existing garden plot with vegetables and herbs, developed a composting program, and created a wildflower garden in collaboration with the residents. Apart from coordinating the physical, logistical, and financial aspects of these three projects, which fall outside of the duties of her job description, Sarah inspired the young residents to learn how to care for plants and to manage waste responsibly. Her efforts gave the young women in residence a place to reflect quietly or to vent their frustration while weeding and digging. These actions were especially meaningful over the past year as many of the residents were unable to see their families or take outings due to the pandemic.
For more information on the Environmental Excellence Awards please visit the awards website.
Public Information Officer
Office of Environmental and Energy Coordination