Legal Services of Northern Virginia has partnered with the Fairfax County Department of Family Services to provide these brief, informative videos about the rights of, and resources for, people with disabilities.
Free Legal Information on Debt and Disabilities: A Walk Through of the Debt Collection Process at Court (English)
Legal Services of Northern Virginia (LSNV) is a nonprofit law-firm that can provide FREE legal information about the debt collection process.
INFORMACIÓN LEGAL GRATUITA SOBRE DEUDAS Y DISCAPACIDADES: Un recorrido por el proceso de cobro de deudas en la corte
Free Legal Information on Debt and Disabilities: A Walk Through of the Debt Collection Process at Court (Spanish)
Legal Services of Northern Virginia (LSNV) es una firma de abogados sin fines de lucro que puede proporcionar información legal GRATUITA sobre el proceso de cobro de deudas.