Land Development Services Alert:
A | Area |
AC | Acre(s) |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADAAG | Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines |
ADD | Address Change (PLUS Record Type) |
ADU | Affordable Dwelling Unit |
AHI | After-Hours Inspections (PLUS Record Type) |
AGREEO | New Agreement (PLUS Record Type) |
ALTC | Commercial Alteration (PLUS Record Type) |
ALTR | Residential Alteration (PLUS Record Type) |
AMUSE | Amusement Device (PLUS Record Type) |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
ARB | Architectural Review Board |
ASTM | American Society for Testing Materials |
BAC | Bonds and Agreements Center |
BATH | Bathymetric Survey (PLUS Record Type) |
BBCA | Board of Building Code Appeals |
BD | Building Division |
BLDC | Commercial New Building (PLUS Record Type) |
BLDG | Building |
BLDR | Residential New Building (PLUS Record Type) |
BMP | Best Management Practice |
BO | Building Official |
BOND | New Bond (PLUS Record Type) |
BOS | Board of Supervisors |
BZA | Board of Zoning Appeals |
CAP | Capital Facilities |
CBPO | Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance |
CCT | Code Change Training |
CDAPPL | Code Appeal (PLUS Record Type) |
CDMOD | Code Modification (PLUS Record Type) |
CET | Customer Experience Team |
CEX | County Executive |
CIC | Customer Information Center |
CIPP | Cast in Place Pipe |
CIR | Circle |
CNTCT | Update Contact (PLUS Record Type) |
CO/NonRUP | Certificate of Occupancy/Non-Residential Use Permit (PLUS Record Type) |
COE | U.S. Army Corp of Engineers |
CON | Conservation Plan (PLUS Record Type) |
CRIT | Critical Structures (PLUS Record Type) |
CTSC | Customer and Technical Support Center |
CY | Calendar Year |
DCC | Department of Code Compliance |
DEMOC | Commercial Demolition (PLUS Record Type) |
DEMOR | Residential Demolition (PLUS Record Type) |
DEQ | Department of Environmental Quality |
DGRP | Damage Report (PLUS Record Type) |
DHCD | Department of Housing and Community Development |
DIA | Diameter |
DPD | Department of Planning and Development |
DPE | Designated Plan Examiner |
DPW | DPWES Plan (PLUS Record Type) (See below for definition of DPWES) |
DPWES | Department of Public Works and Environmental Services |
DU/AC | Dwelling Units per Acre |
E&S | Erosion and Sedimentation |
ECERT | Electrical Underground Certification (PLUS Record Type) |
EDA | Economic Development Authority |
ELEC | Commercial Electrical (PLUS Record Type) |
ELER | Residential Electrical (PLUS Record Type) |
ELEVI | Elevator Installation (PLUS Record Type) |
ELEVM | Elevator Maintenance (PLUS Record Type) |
EOD | Engineer of the Day |
EP | Easement Plat (PLUS Record Type) |
ERC | Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance Exception Review Committee |
ESA | Environmental Site Assessment (PLUS Record Type) |
ESI | Engineers and Surveyors Institute |
ESRC | Engineering Standards Review Committee |
EVCS | Electric Vehicle Charging Station |
FAC | Facilitation and Addressing Center |
FCON | Forest Conservation Branch |
FCWA | Fairfax County Water Authority |
FDOT | Fairfax County Department of Transportation |
FDOTS | FDOT Stormwater Review (PLUS Record Type) |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FIRM | Flood Insurance Rate Map |
FMO | Fire Marshal's Office |
FOIA | Freedom of Information Act |
FPUD | Floodplain Use Determination (PLUS Record Type) |
FRD | Fire and Rescue Department |
FT | Foot for Feet |
FY | Fiscal Year |
GAL | Gallon(s) |
GEM | Geographic Exploration & Mapping |
GFA | Gross Floor Area |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GRB | Geotechnical Review Board |
HAPL | Household Appliance (PLUS Record Type) |
HIC | Home Improvement Contractor License (PLUS Record Type) |
HOA | Homeowner Association |
HT | Height |
HTCERT | Building Height Certification (PLUS Record Type) |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning |
IBC | International Building Code |
ICC | International Code Council |
ID | Inside Diameter |
IEBC | International Existing Building Code |
IECC | International Energy Conservation Code |
IFC | International Fire Code |
IFGC | International Fuel Gas Code |
IMC | International Mechanical Code |
IN | Inches |
INF | Infill Lot Plan (PLUS Record Type) |
INV | Invert |
IPC | International Plumbing Code |
IPMC | International Property Maintenance Code |
IRC | International Residential Code |
ISPSC | International Swimming Pool & Spa Code |
IT | Information Technology |
LB | Pound(s) |
LDIH | Land Development Information History |
LDS | Land Development Services |
LED | Light-emitting Diode |
LEED® | Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design |
LS | Land Surveyor |
LTI | Letter to Industry |
LV | Lot Validation (PLUS Record Type) |
MAX | Maximum |
MECHC | Commercial Mechanical (PLUS Record Type) |
MECHR | Residential Mechanical (PLUS Record Type) |
MFILE | Masterfile (PLUS Record Type) |
MIN | Minimum |
MISCC | Commercial Miscellaneous (PLUS Record Type) |
MISCR | Residential Miscellaneous (PLUS Record Type) |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MS4s | Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems |
MSA | Methods of Soil Analysis |
MSMD | Maintenance and Stormwater Management Division |
MSP | Minor Site Plan (PLUS Record Type) |
MTD | Manufactured Treatment Devices |
NAHB | National Association of Home Builders |
NAIOP | National Association for Industrial and Office Parks |
NEC | National Electric Code |
NGVD | National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NonRUP | NonResidential Use Permit |
NPDES | National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System |
NVBIA | Northern Virginia Building Industry Association |
NVSWCD | Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District |
O/O | Outside to Outside |
OCA | Office of County Attorney |
OD | Outside Diameter |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
PACA | Permitting and Code Administration |
PC | Planning Commission |
PE | Professional Engineer |
PFM | Public Facilities Manual |
PI | Public Improvement Plan (PLUS Record Type) |
PKS | Parking Study (PLUS Record Type) |
PL | Preliminary Plan (PLUS Record Type) |
PLBC | Commercial Plumbing (PLUS Record Type) |
PLBR | Residential Plumbing (PLUS Record Type) |
PLUS | Planning and Land Use System |
POD | Planner of the Day |
PSI | Pounds per Square Inch |
R | Radius |
RDP | Registered Design Professional |
RGP | Rough Grading Plan (PLUS Record Type) |
RMA | Resource Management Area |
RP | Record Plat (PLUS Record Type) |
RPA | Resource Protection Area (also a PLUS Record Type) |
RTAP | Fairfax County Residential Traffic Administration Program |
RUP | Residential Use Permit |
RWHS | Rainwater Harvesting System |
R/W or ROW | Right of Way |
RZ | Rezoning |
SAC | Site Application Center |
SCRD | Site Code Research & Development Branch |
SD | Subdivision Plan (PLUS Record Type) |
SDGP | Subdivision Grading Plan (PLUS Record Type) |
SDID | Site Development and Inspections Division |
SEER | Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating |
SEPRT | Separation (PLUS Record Type) |
SFD | Single Family Dwelling |
SFP | Floodplain Study (PLUS Record Type) |
SFPC | Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code |
SIP | Sports Illumination Plan (PLUS Record Type) |
SIP | Special Inspections Program |
SOLARC | Commercial Solar (PLUS Record Type) |
SOLARR | Residential Solar (PLUS Record Type) |
SP | Site Plan (PLUS Record Type) |
SR | Geotechnical Report (PLUS Record Type) |
SRV | Site Records Viewer |
STREET | Street Name Change (PLUS Record Type) |
STW | Stormwater Management Program |
SWMP | Solid Waste Management Program |
SWOD | Stormwater Ordinance Determination (PLUS Record Type) |
SWPD | Stormwater Planning and Monitoring Division |
SWPPP | Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan |
TB | Technical Bulletin |
TRUSS | Truss Submission (PLUS Record Type) |
TSA | Transit Station Area |
UFMD | Urban Forest Management Division |
UP | Utility Company Operations Permit (PLUS Record Type) |
UPS | Unit Price Schedule |
USACE | United States Army Corps of Engineers |
USBC | Uniform Statewide Building Code |
USCS | Unified Soil Classification System |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
USNVCS | United States National Vegetation Classification System |
VA | Virginia |
VAC | Virginia Administrative Code |
VADR | Virginia Amusement Device Regulations |
VBCA | Virginia Building Code Academy |
VBCOA | Virginia Building and Code Officials Association |
VCC | Virginia Construction Code |
VDOT | Virginia Department of Transportation |
VEBC | Virginia Existing Building Code |
VECC | Virginia Energy Conservation Code |
VFGC | Virginia Fuel Gas Code |
VFOIA | Virginia Freedom of Information Act |
VMC | Virginia Mechanical Code |
VPC | Virginia Plumbing Code |
VPDES | Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System |
VPMC | Virginia Property Maintenance Code |
VPSC | Virginia Pool and Spa Code |
VRC | Virginia Residential Code |
VSMP | Virginia Stormwater Management Program |
WACEL | Washington Area Council of Engineering Laboratories |
WAIV | Waivers (PLUS Record Type) |
WALLC | Commercial Retaining Wall (PLUS Record Type) |
WALLR | Residential Retaining Wall (PLUS Record Type) |
WQIA | Water Quality Impact Assessment (also a PLUS Record Type) |
WS (WSPOD) | Water Supply Protection Overlay District |
ZAD | Zoning Administration Division |
ZED | Zoning Evaluation Division |
ZMOD | Zoning Ordinance Modification |
ZO | Zoning Ordinance |
Need Help? Call 703-222-0801, TTY 711.
Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday from 9:15 a.m. to 4 p.m.