The Material Management Logistics Center provides material management and logistical support to County departments by storing, receiving, and distributing County property. From this facility, we transport, sort, and redistribute approximately 300 bins of library books each day equating to roughly 4 million books annually for the Fairfax County Public Library. The Material Management division also manages the County’s excess and surplus property programs ensuring best use disposition (redistribution, recycling, sale, or disposal) for all County agencies, which generates, on average, nearly $2 million in revenue annually. The division supports multiple department summer programs; ensuring proper receipt, storage, and distribution of supplies and equipment between sessions.
In support of the Office of Elections the Logistics Center stores, distributes, and retrieves upwards of 750 voting machines and apparatus for each election.
The Logistics Center has a vital logistical role in emergency response at the local, state and regional levels. In addition, the we provide management, policy development, and audits of the County’s consumable inventories.