Background and Program Description
Healthy Minds Fairfax is an initiative of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to improve access to and the quality of behavioral health services for children, youth, young adults and their families. The STBH program is a component of the Healthy Minds Fairfax (HMF) initiative. Contracted STBH therapists will provide timely access to short-term outpatient behavioral health services (up to 8 visits) to youth from all middle schools, high schools, and select elementary schools in Fairfax County and the cities of Fairfax and Falls Church.
Selection Criteria
This is not a competitive solicitation and multiple awards will be made. Acceptance of the terms of an Agreement for the Purchase of Services (APOS) is required. A sample APOS is posted below. (Note: Potential offerors should read these documents closely to review the requirements before applying.)
Selection for a contract is not guaranteed, applicants will be approved for contracting based on the following selection criteria:
1. Quality and completeness of response
2. Qualifications to provide services
3. Reasonableness of hourly rate reflecting public/private partnership.
Submission Requirements
Qualified offerors are encouraged to submit an application to provide short term outpatient counseling as described in the APOS posted below. Interested parties (firms and individual mental health care providers) should respond by submitting Provider Application Part 1 and Part 2 posted below. Applicants must submit the required documentation via email at
1.Sample Agreement for Purchase of Services (APOS) with all 4 attachments (A – D):
2.Provider Application Part 1 (MUST BE SUBMITTED)
3.Provider Application Part 2 (MUST BE SUBMITTED)