
CONTACT INFORMATION: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday-Friday
703-877-5600 TTY 711
4050 Legato Road, Suite 400
Fairfax, VA 22033
Glenn Padeway


Image of Fastran VehicleFastran offers specialized transportation services for residents of Fairfax County and the Cities of Fairfax and Falls Church participating in human services agency programs. Services may have associated fees based on a sliding scale.

Please speak with a representative of one of the certifying programs/agencies for details. All riders must be certified by one of the following programs/agencies before utilizing one of the services below:

Critical Medical Care Transportation for Fairfax County residents who must undergo life sustaining treatments including dialysis, radiology, chemotherapy, brain injury therapy, physical therapy and water therapy. Transportation service under this program is not guaranteed but is provided on a space-available basis.
Adult Day Health Care Transportation to and from adult day health care centers.
Community Services Board Transportation to and from support services and worksites related to intellectual disability, mental health and the Recovery Women’s Center.
Senior Centers Transportation to and from Fairfax County Senior Centers. Service is arranged through centers only.
Senior Residences Transportation for twice-a-month grocery shopping trips and a trip to the mall every other month for residents of 18 senior residence developments. Trips scheduled by sites.
Therapeutic Recreation Services Transportation to and from outings and structured recreational activities for individuals with intellectual or physical disabilities.

As of July 1, 2024, Fastran is migrating from Neighborhood and Community Services to the Department of Transportation. 

Should it be necessary to cancel your scheduled trip, please contact the Fastran Cancellation Line at 703-324-7068, TTY 711. This is an automated line with a 24-hour recording. Please leave a message with the following information:

  • Your Name
  • Fastran Identification Number
  • Date of the trip to be canceled
  • Indicate whether you are canceling one or both ways

On occasion, inclement weather may affect the operation of Fastran routes. Decisions regarding the level of service provided during an inclement weather event are made with the utmost regard for the safety of clients and staff.  

In the event of inclement weather, please contact the Fastran team at 703-222-9764, TTY 711, or use the link in the red box below to send an email.

General Cancellation/Delay Guidance

Monitoring the status of Fairfax County Public Schools on local news broadcasts can provide general guidance as to the operational status of Fastran routes:

  • When Fairfax County Public Schools are CLOSED:
    • Fastran will transport dialysis, chemotherapy, and radiation trips only.
    • All other scheduled route services are canceled – including senior centers, adult day health care, Women’s Recovery Center, senior residence trips and charter services.
  • When Fairfax County Public Schools are DELAYED: 
    • Fastran will transport dialysis, chemotherapy, and radiation trips as scheduled.
    • Fastran will transport morning mental health, intellectual disability services and ADAPT clients on a delayed schedule. Specific information on the delay will be communicated to clients during each inclement weather event. 
    • Afternoon mental health, intellectual disability services and ADAPT routes will run on schedule. 
    • The Children, Youth, and Families (CYF) transportation services for children to/from school and court appointments will be modified.  For specific details, please call 703-222-9764, TTY 711.
    • All other scheduled route services are canceled – including senior centers, adult day health care, Women’s Recovery Center, senior residence trips and charter services.
  • When Fairfax County Public Schools are NOT IN SESSION (e.g. Winter/Spring/Summer Break): The level of service provided during an inclement weather event will be determined by FCDOT and will shared with clients as soon as a decision is reached.

Questions? Cancellations? Inclement Weather Service Changes?

Leave a message to cancel all or a portion of a scheduled trip: 703-324-7068, TTY 711.

Call the Fastran Help Desk: 703-222-9764, TTY 711.

Email the Fastran Team.

Fairfax Virtual Assistant