Management and Budget

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM M-F
703-324-2391 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway Suite 561
Fairfax, VA 22035-0074
Philip A. Hagen

FY 2020 Carryover Fund Statement and Summary of Capital Projects

The Board of Supervisors will approve the FY 2020 Carryover Review on Tuesday, September 29, 2020, following a public hearing. The attachments for the Carryover package are also available online.

Fund Statements and Summary of Capital Projects

10010 - Revenue Stabilization

40170 - I-95 Refuse Disposal (updated 9/29/2020)

10015 – Economic Opportunity Reserve

40180 - Tysons Service District

10020 - Consolidated Community Funding Pool

40190 - Reston Service District

10030 - Contributory Fund

40300 - Housing Trust Fund

10031 - Northern Virginia Regional Identification System (NOVARIS)

40330 - Elderly Housing Programs

10040 - Information Technology

40360 - Homeowner and Business Loan Programs

20000 - Consolidated County and Schools Debt Service Fund

50800 - Community Development Block Grant (updated 9/29/2020)

30000 - Metro Operations and Construction

50810 - HOME Investment Partnership Grant

30010 - General Construction and Contributions

60000 - County Insurance Fund

30015 - Environmental and Energy Program

60010 - Department of Vehicle Services (DVS) (updated 9/29/2020)

30020 - Infrastructure Replacement and Upgrades

60020 - Document Services (updated 9/29/2020)

30030 - Library Construction

60030 - Technology Infrastructure Services (updated 9/29/2020)

30040 - Contributed Roadway Improvements

60040 - Health Benefits

30050 - Transportation Improvements

69000 - Sewer Revenue

30060 - Pedestrian Walkway Improvements

69010 - Sewer Operation and Maintenance (updated 9/29/2020)

30070 - Public Safety Construction

69020 - Sewer Bond Parity Debt Service

30080 - Commercial Revitalization Program

69030 - Sewer Bond Debt Reserve

30090 - Pro Rata Share Drainage Construction

69040 - Sewer Bond Subordinate Debt Service

30300 - Affordable Housing Development and Investment

69300 - Sewer Construction Improvements

30310 - Housing Assistance Program

69310 - Sewer Bond Construction

30400 - Park Authority Bond Construction

70000 - Route 28 Tax District

40000 - County Transit Systems

70040 - Mosaic District Community Development Authority

40010 - County and Regional Transportation Projects

73000 - Fairfax County Employees' Retirement Trust Fund

40030 - Cable Communications (updated 9/29/2020)

73010 - Uniformed Retirement Trust Fund

40040 - Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board (CSB) (updated 9/29/2020)

73020 - Police Officers Retirement Trust Fund

40050 - Reston Community Center (updated 9/29/2020)

73030 - OPEB Trust Fund

40060 - McLean Community Center

80000 - Park Revenue and Operating Fund (updated 9/29/2020)

40070 - Burgundy Village Community Center

80300 - Park Capital Improvement Fund (updated 9/29/2020)

40080 - Integrated Pest Management Program (updated 9/29/2020)

81000 - FCRHA General Operating (updated 9/29/2020)

40090 - E-911 (updated 9/29/2020)

81050 - FCRHA Private Financing

40100 - Stormwater Services (updated 9/29/2020)

81060 - FCRHA Internal Service Fund

40110 - Dulles Rail Phase I Transportation Improvement District

81100 - Fairfax County Rental Program (updated 9/29/2020)

40120 - Dulles Rail Phase II Transportation Improvement District

81200 - Housing Partnerships

40125 - Metrorail Parking System Pledged Revenues

81300 - RAD- Fairfax County Rental Program (updated 9/29/2020)

40130 - Leaf Collection

81500 - Housing Grant Fund

40140 - Refuse Collection and Recycling Operations (updated 9/29/2020)

81510 - Housing Choice Voucher Program (updated 9/29/2020)

40150 - Refuse Disposal (updated 9/29/2020)

83000 - Alcohol Safety Action Program

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