Precipitation Intensity:
In Fairfax County, the intensity of precipitation has increased (i.e., it is raining harder than it used to). While the total amount of rain the county receives per year has been fairly consistent*, we are receiving this rain in heavier, shorter downpours and flash flood events. This intense rain causes flooding because our infrastructure and natural systems are not designed to handle such high volumes all at once. The Department of Public Works and Environmental Services (DPWES) is the primary agency responsible for stormwater management. For more information, please see Stormwater Management.
*The total quantity of precipitation received by the county per year has increased slightly. However, the bigger change is the increase in intensity of precipitation.
This graph above shows the number of flash flood events in Fairfax County between 1993 and 2022, as tracked by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Centers for Environmental Information Storm Events Database.
As can be seen in the graph, there is wide variation in these events, but they are generally increasing in frequency over time.
We measure precipitation by intensity, duration, and frequency (or “IDF curves.”) As can be seen in the graph above from MARISA, the IDF curve for our area is shifting. The historic IDF curve is the lower line shown in red. The projected IDF curve is the higher line, shown in blue. This means that it is raining harder than it used to.
Flooding Types: