Department of Family Services – Domestic and Sexual Violence Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
703-324-5730 TTY 711
12011 Government Center Parkway, Pennino Building, Floor 7, Suite 740
Fairfax, VA 22035
Toni Zollicoffer

Volunteer Voices – Raising My Voice: Tarun Ramesh

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(Posted 2024 February)


Meet Tarun Ramesh, Administrative Volunteer


Photo of Tarun RameshTell us a little about yourself. What is your professional background?
My name is Tarun Ramesh, and I’m a student at NOVA working on an associate’s degree.

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
I like to swim, play basketball, and play video games.

How long have you been volunteering? What led to your initial desire to volunteer and serve others?
I’ve been volunteering for 2 years with Fairfax County and a year with DSVS. I started volunteering because I wanted to meet people, learn new skills, and gain work experience.

What interested you in volunteering with Fairfax County’s Domestic and Sexual Violence Services?
I was interested because I would be part of an organization that keeps people and the community safe from domestic violence.

What is the most challenging part of volunteering? How did you overcome this challenge?
Engaging with people is difficult for me due to my disability. DSVS team members have been very kind and patient with me and have helped me with my social skills and communication.

What's the best part of volunteering? Share your most memorable experience.
Volunteering makes a positive impact on people. It improved my confidence, helped me meet new people, and helped me develop new skills.

What has been your favorite training? What did you like about it? What did you learn?
Domestic and Sexual Violence Services Tier One was an interesting training. It explains what the organization does and describes the program and services available for families who are experiencing violence in Fairfax County.

What are your three greatest strengths? How have you been able to display and use these strengths when serving others?
My strengths are my ability to focus for longer periods of time, punctuality, and attention to detail. I'm glad I can serve the community as an administrative volunteer. I support the organization by printing materials, assembling binders, and tracking inventory of DSVS materials.

What advice do you have for people who may be thinking about becoming DSVS volunteers?
It’s a wonderful place to volunteer, as you can give back to the community. Also, the DSVS team is wonderful to work with, as they help you learn and grow.

What do you wish you could do more of as a volunteer?
Interact with more people and serve the community.


This article posting is part of the Domestic and Sexual Violence Services' Volunteer Voices monthly newsletter for current and potential volunteers. If you're not already a volunteer, learn how to get involved. Find out about upcoming trainings, volunteer trainings, happenings around the DSVS office and information about articles, books, media recommendations and more.

Learn more about the Domestic and Sexual Violence Services (DSVS).

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