Department of Family Services – Domestic and Sexual Violence Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
703-324-5730 TTY 711
12011 Government Center Parkway, Pennino Building, Floor 7, Suite 740
Fairfax, VA 22035
Keesha Coke

Outreach and Education Services

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group of people in training classThe Department of Family Services' Domestic and Sexual Violence Services (DSVS) is committed to raising awareness throughout Fairfax County about domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking and human trafficking.

Learn more about the services our outreach staff and educators provide; request for us to provide a presentation or training and learn about the available topics; or check out the upcoming trainings and sign-up to participate.

DSVS outreach staff and educators provide informational presentations and trainings to various groups, including:

  • community organizations and civic groups.
  • schools and universities.
  • companies and human resources professionals.
  • faith-based groups.
  • health care providers.
  • law enforcement and legal personnel.
  • non-profit partners.

DSVS outreach staff is also available to provide technical assistance and guidance in policy development about domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking and human trafficking for your community group, organization or business. Learn more by contacting Abby Picard, prevention and education coordinator, by email or phone: 703-324-4311.

Our Community Engagement Services team staffs resource tables at various events, including school fairs, health fairs, public safety events, community festivals, and more.

If you're interested in having us conduct a presentation or training, please complete the online request form (at least three weeks prior to the event date). A member of the outreach staff will contact you. If you have not heard from staff within three (3) business days, please contact Abby Picard.

DSVS' mission is to work with communities to transform society’s response to domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking and stalking by challenging oppression, collaborating to inform policy and providing all persons impacted by violence with equitable access to trauma-informed support, advocacy, education and a space for healing. We strive to fulfill requests that fall within the scope of our mission.

Staff are available to present on the following topics.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Interface: Learn about the Adverse Childhood Experiences study and the way ACEs can change our brains as we grow and develop. The impact of ACEs on physical and emotional health will be explored, as well as the connection between domestic violence and the other forms of ACEs. Participants will gain an understanding of how they can contribute to creating healing and resiliency in their communities.

Child Witness to Domestic Violence: Learn about the effects of witnessing domestic violence across the lifespan; its impact on children’s brain development; and implications for cognitive, emotional, and physical development. Through group discussions and video, participants will understand the needs of children and how to support them.

Domestic and Sexual Violence Services Programs and Services: Learn about the division’s approach to domestic and sexual violence services and the partnerships, programs, and services available to people and families experiencing interpersonal violence in Fairfax County.

Domestic Violence 101: Learn the dynamics of domestic violence, how to recognize the ways violence can manifest, barriers to leaving abusive relationships, and how to support someone in a violent relationship.

Human Trafficking 101: Learn how human trafficking is defined, how to support survivors, and the intersection of trafficking with other forms of sexual and domestic violence. This training also discusses available resources to address the unique needs and barriers faced by people impacted by human trafficking in Fairfax County.

Parenting through Domestic Violence: This training is for professionals serving children and families who are affected by domestic violence.  Participants will gain an understanding of the ways in which domestic violence influences family dynamics while couples are together and as they separate. Special attention will be paid to the manner in which a child’s attachment to each parent is impacted and the dilemma and challenges children face in developing relationships with both the survivor and offender parent.

Stalking 101: Get a basic overview of stalking, focusing on the definition, recognizing the contextual nature of this crime, and providing strategies for participants to get involved in building awareness and supporting victims and survivors. This curriculum was developed by the Stalking Prevention, Awareness and Resource Center (SPARC).

Supporting Parents and Children Experiencing Domestic Violence: This training is for professionals who serve children and families affected domestic violence. Participants will learn about the trauma of domestic violence, how it impacts brain function and development, and the ways in which the trauma might manifest in children’s behavior. Participants will gain tools to talk to parents about how domestic violence impacts children’s development and how to address children’s behavior using a trauma informed approach. 

Talking with Children about Consent: Learn how to help children and adolescents understand and communicate about consent. Topics covered include age-appropriate ways to talk to children about practicing consent, respecting others, and how to ask for help.

Teen Dating Violence 101: Learn the dynamics of teen dating violence and how to help young people experiencing it. This workshop can be provided for teens, parents and caregivers, or youth-serving professionals. 

The HYPE (Healthy Youth Prevention Education) Project: Learn from this youth-focused, 8-session curriculum that teaches participants about intimate partner violence and sexual assault prevention. Through hands-on activities, multimedia, role-play exercises and facilitated discussions; teens will have opportunities to examine various elements of relationships and develop skills to identify and replicate healthy dynamics in interpersonal interactions. Topics are also available as standalone workshops; the topics are the following:

  • Teen Dating Violence 101
  • Why Do People Stay
  • Bystander Intervention
  • Healthy Sexuality and Sexual Assault
  • Gender 101
  • Masculinity and Femininity
  • Values
  • Self-esteem and Jealousy
  • Communication

Understanding Sexual Violence: Learn how to define and identify sexual violence in different forms and understand key concepts, including consent, coercion, trauma, and victim blaming. The training also discusses how individuals can support people who have experienced sexual violence and what services are available to them and their loved ones in Fairfax County.

Unpacking Gender: Learn about and explore the messages we are taught about gender and how they can affect our relationships with ourselves, loved ones, and our community. Participants in this training will talk about the impact gender roles and stereotypes have on everyone and how this knowledge can help prevent sexual and domestic violence.

Sexual Violence Tier 1

Sexual Violence Tier 1 (Feb. 2025)Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Feb. 4-26, 2025

Registration for the spring session of Sexual Violence Tier 1, a 16-hour training on understanding sexual violence, systems responding to sexual violence in Fairfax County, and resources available in our community, is now open. Seats fill quickly, so sign up now for this training for professionals, volunteers, and community members looking to learn how and why sexual violence happens; the impact of sexual violence on individuals, families, and communities; and how to support those impacted. Questions? Contact Abby Picard. For full credit, all 16 hours must be completed. This training is free, but registration is required. 

Domestic Violence Tier 1

Domestic Violence Tier 1 (Spring 2025)Saturdays, March 8 & 15, 2025
Fairfax County Health Department Kelly Square
10777 Main Street
Fairfax, VA 22030
Rowland Training Rooms A&B

Registration for the spring session of Domestic Violence Tier 1, a 16-hour training on the dynamics of domestic violence, systems responding to domestic violence in Fairfax County, and resources available in our community. Questions? Contact Abby Picard. For full credit, all 16 hours must be completed. This training is free, but registration is required. 

Frequently Asked Questions – Tier One Training

Request a training for your organization. 

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