Department of Family Services – Domestic and Sexual Violence Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
703-324-5730 TTY 711
12011 Government Center Parkway, Pennino Building, Floor 7, Suite 740
Fairfax, VA 22035
Keesha Coke

Awareness About Domestic and Sexual Violence

exit website button circle  SAFETY ALERT – If you are in danger, call or text 911.

Awareness About Domestic and Sexual Violence collage; couple kissing in rain, Me Too, hands with rainbow

Preventing gender-based violence requires steps to stop violence and abuse from happening in the first place by interrupting the cultural rules, norms, and constructs that support it.

Social change happens when communities are equipped with a better awareness about the issue and understanding of the actions it takes to get there. This equation is solved when individuals, families, communities, and institutions have access to knowledge and tools.

Events and Training

See how Fairfax County and Domestic and Sexual Violence Services acknowledges the work the division does to raise awareness through a series of trainings and events.

Annual Human Trafficking Training

Annual Human Trafficking TrainingThursday, Jan. 30, 2025 
1–3 p.m. 
Fairfax County Government Center 
Conference Rm 9/10 
12000 Government Center Pkwy 
Fairfax, VA 22035

In this training, participants will learn how human trafficking is defined, how to identify and support survivors, and resources available to survivors in Fairfax County. Participants will hear perspectives from community service, mental health, legal, and law enforcement professionals on the current state of human trafficking locally, the intersection of human trafficking with other forms of violence, and how service providers and other allied professionals can utilize their existing knowledge and skills to address the unique needs and barriers faced by victims of human trafficking. This training is free, but registration is required.

Sexual Violence Tier 1

Sexual Violence Tier 1 (Feb. 2025)Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Feb. 4-26, 2025

Registration for the spring session of Sexual Violence Tier 1, a 16-hour training on understanding sexual violence, systems responding to sexual violence in Fairfax County, and resources available in our community, is now open. Seats fill quickly, so sign up now for this training for professionals, volunteers, and community members looking to learn how and why sexual violence happens; the impact of sexual violence on individuals, families, and communities; and how to support those impacted. Questions? Contact Abby Picard. For full credit, all 16 hours must be completed. This training is free, but registration is required. 

Domestic Violence Tier 1

Domestic Violence Tier 1 (Spring 2025)Saturdays, March 8 & 15, 2025
Fairfax County Health Department Kelly Square
10777 Main Street
Fairfax, VA 22030
Rowland Training Rooms A&B

Registration for the spring session of Domestic Violence Tier 1, a 16-hour training on the dynamics of domestic violence, systems responding to domestic violence in Fairfax County, and resources available in our community. Questions? Contact Abby Picard. For full credit, all 16 hours must be completed. This training is free, but registration is required. 

Frequently Asked Questions – Tier One Training

Request a training for your organization. 


Topics for Your Information

Domestic and Sexual Violence Services provides select education and outreach materials to increase knowledge that helps create a future with positive relationships and safer communities.

Awareness Months

desk globe six figures represent different culturesHeritage Months
Domestic and Sexual Violence Services will provide one-page fact sheets about five heritage months throughout the year, complete with information about heritage-specific organizations working on issues around gender-based violence. Look for the following fact sheets:


LGBTQIA+ Language Guidance
Words matters! And this language guide is an excellent resource to help folks better understand terms related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression used in LGBTQIA+ communities. It is not exhaustive, though, and since people use language in different ways, the best practice is always to honor how an individual identifies themselves.

bystander-intervention-101 web

Bystander Intervention 
Being an active bystander goes beyond see something, say something. This simple primer gives quick tips for what to do if you see inappropriate or threatening behavior.

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