Public Works and Environmental Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our administrative offices are open 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., Mon - Fri
703-877-2800 TTY 711
10635 West Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
Chad Crawford
Maintenance and Stormwater Mgmt

Maintenance Contractor List

A Fairfax County, VA Publication, June, 2023. The companies and/or individuals listed below hold a Certificate of Attendance from the Fairfax County Maintenance and Stormwater Management Division’s Stormwater Maintenance Contractor Training Program. This training program is provided solely as a means for companies and/or individuals to be included on a contractor list and is not a requirement to perform maintenance on stormwater management facilities within Fairfax County.

Fairfax County does not endorse or recommend any contractor or vendor and makes no representation or warranties regarding the qualifications or suitability of any particular contractor or vendor, nor does a contractor’s or vendor’s inclusion or non-inclusion on this list constitute any such representation or warranty. This list is provided solely as a service to our citizens and is not a representation that Fairfax County is in any way certifying the contractor’s or vendor’s qualifications and ability to perform specified stormwater infrastructure maintenance.

Maintenance Contractors Holding Training Attendance Certificate

Maintenance Contractors Holding Training Attendance Certificate

Use the search box to find a contractor by maintenance contractor name, training attendance year, address or phone number. Click on the column heading (only in desktop view) in the table header to sort by the column. Click the heading again to reverse the sort order.


Stormwater Facility Type - Above Ground

Stormwater Facility Type - Above Ground


Stormwater Facility Type - Below Ground

Stormwater Facility Type - Below Ground


Stormwater Facility Type - Vegetated Practices

Stormwater Facility Type - Vegetated Practices


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