To request this information in an alternate format call 703-324-5500, TTY 711. Please send an email to Craig Carinci by Tuesday, February 25 to receive a link to the meeting.
Project Background
The proposed restoration project is identified in the Accotink Creek Watershed Management Plan as AC9235 and AC9236. The existing conditions of the channels within the project area exhibit the typical degraded form resulting from channel evolution in response to many decades of development and the increase of impervious surfaces within the watershed. The stream exhibits an overly down cut and widening channel, floodplain disconnection, unbalanced sediment transport, accelerated channel erosion and accelerated channel migration. There is tree loss and property loss.
Channel widening has undermined trees along the bank, causing roots to be exposed and ultimately to fall.
Channel incision and widening. Tree roots would typically help keep banks intact, however due to the lack of vegetation, water has been eroding this bank as it makes a sharp 90 degree turn.
Non-native plants have taken over, suffocating all native vegetation growth. A project goal is to treat non-native species and promote a native riparian buffer.
Channel widening exposed a sanitary manhole, leaving it vulnerable to damage.
Employees of the Stormwater Planning Division initiated the design of the project in October 2019. The design team includes the engineering consultant Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc., county staff from the Maintenance and Stormwater Management Division, Utilities Design and Construction Division, Urban and Community Forestry Division, Wastewater Management Program, Land Acquisition Division, residents along the project area, civic associations and other organizations within the community.
Project Description
The project includes restoration of 4,500 linear feet of Long Branch, its tributaries, stormwater outfalls and the floodplain within the stream valley between Dogwood Lane and Route 50 (Arlington Boulevard).
Channel incision along the entire bank.
The primary goals of the restoration are:
Improve Water Quality
Stabilize streambed and banks
Reduce sediment and nutrient inputs into stream system
Installation of grade control structures
Restoring channel dimension and alignment to a form that is appropriate for current and future hydrologic conditions of the watershed
Improve floodplain connectivity and ecological processes
Increase frequency and residence time of water on floodplain
Reduce force and volume of water within the channel during storm and flood events
Naturally process nutrients and sediments on the floodplain and within the streambed
Improve habitat for biological community
Native landscaping
Floodplain wetlands
Streambed and flow diversity
Protect Property and Infrastructure
Protection of exposed sanitary manhole
Project Location
Project Benefits
The benefits of this project include the protection of property, infrastructure, health and safety, and water quality improvements
Property will be protected by providing a stable stream bed, banks and alignment, which will reduce the rate of stream bank erosion and channel migration. Trees at risk of falling will be removed or protected where possible. Native vegetation will be installed to hold soil in place and provide habitat.
Health and safety will be protected via improved water quality, protection of public utilities, such as an exposed sanitary manhole, and stabilization of stream banks.
Improvement of water quality will be provided through the removal of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Total Suspended Solids.
The forest health will be improved through removal of invasive plant species, installing locally native plants and restoration of wetlands.
The final plan is expected to be finalized in Spring 2025.
What to Expect
The 95% design meeting was held with the community on March 19, 2024. A utility coordination and a pre-construction/pardon our dust meeting will be scheduled with the community in the spring of 2025.
Presentations To The Community
Please join us for a virtual community meeting on Thursday February 27, 2025, to discuss:
Project Overview
Project Schedule
Proposed alignment of new gas line on Rosemoor Ln, see below.
Washington Gas Rosemoor Ln gas line preliminary plan
To request this information in an alternate format call 703-324-5500, TTY 711. Please send an email to Craig Carinci by Tuesday, February 25 to receive a link to the meeting.
Project Cost and Funding Source
Design of the Long Branch North at Arlington Blvd and Robin Ridge Court stream restoration project is funded for $822,000. Construction funding is dependent upon future budget availability and allocations. Stormwater projects are funded through the county Stormwater Service District.
For more information, email Project Manager Stormwater Planning Division, Department of Public Works and Environmental Services, or call 703-324-5500, TTY 711.