Sheriff's Office

703-246-3227 TTY 711
4110 Chain Bridge Road
Fairfax, VA 22030
Stacey A. Kincaid

Prison Rape Elimination Act Reporting

Zero-tolerance policy

Poster Zero Tolerance for sexual abuse and sexual harassmentThe Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office has a zero-tolerance policy toward all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Sexual abuse of an inmate and sexual harassment of an inmate are prohibited. “Zero-tolerance” means that sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual misconduct will NOT be tolerated in the Sheriff’s Office. All staff, contractors and volunteers shall take the appropriate steps in preventing, detecting and responding to such conduct.

Sexual abuse investigations

The Sheriff’s Office will investigate all allegations of sexual misconduct toward any inmate(s). The Sheriff’s Office will conduct administrative investigations into all allegations of sexual harassment. Criminal conduct arising from sexual misconduct will be referred to the Fairfax County Police Department for further investigation.

The credibility of an alleged victim, suspect or witness shall be assessed on an individual basis and shall not be determined by the person’s status as inmate or staff. The departure of the alleged abuser or victim from the purview of the Sheriff’s Office, whether as employee or inmate, shall not provide a basis for terminating an investigation.

Reporting sexual abuse or sexual harassment allegations

Inmates are encouraged to report any allegations of sexual abuse or sexual harassment to a Sheriff's Office employee. If inmates do not feel comfortable making a report to an employee, they may have a friend or family member report the allegation on the inmate’s behalf.

If you have information regarding an inmate who has been the victim of sexual abuse or sexual harassment while in Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office custody, please call the PREA Coordinator at 703-246-2397 or email We check messages every day, seven days a week. You do not have to give your name, and you may remain anonymous, but it is critical that you provide as many details as possible, including:

  • The name(s) and locations of inmate(s) involved
  • The names(s) or description of any witnesses to the incident(s)
  • A brief description of the incident(s)
  • A brief description of where the incident(s) occurred
  • The date(s), time(s) and place(s) of incident(s)
  • Names and contact information of others who may have additional information about the incident(s)
  • Your contact phone number and address (optional)

An investigation may result from the information we receive. Inmates are encouraged to make these allegations in good faith. Inmates making false allegations of sexual assault and misconduct will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including criminal prosecution.

Note: The phone number and email should be used to address issues related to sexual abuse or sexual harassment and not routine institutional operations.

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