Where can I report a pothole?
Nearly all public roads in Fairfax County are owned and maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation. If you are unsure of the owner, you can check the Road Maintenance Responsibility Map to determine who is responsible. To report an issue to VDOT, you can call 1-800-367-7623 or go to https://my.vdot.virginia.gov to report it online. In the event that you or VDOT identifies the road as one maintained by Fairfax County, please contact MSMD customer service at 703-877-2800.
How do I request a street be repaved or get information on repaving?
- Nearly all public roads in Fairfax County are owned and maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation. If you are unsure of the owner, you can check the Road Maintenance Responsibility Map to determine who is responsible.
- To report an issue to VDOT, you can call 1-800-367-7623 or go to https://my.vdot.virginia.gov to report it online. In the event that you or VDOT identifies the road as one maintained by Fairfax County, please contact MSMD customer service at 703-877-2800.
- For information on repaving by VDOT, you can visit the Northern Virginia Paving Program webpage.
How do I get speed humps on my street?
If the street is owned by the Virginia Department of Transportation, speed humps are installed through the Traffic Calming program, which is one of fives programs offered through Fairfax County’s Residential Traffic Administration Program. In order to qualify, the road must:
- Be in the state system of highways owned and maintained by VDOT.
- Be classified as a local, residential collector or residential arterial road.
- Function as a residential street.
- Have a speed limit of 25 miles per hour (MPH).
- Have a traffic volume between 500-6,000 vehicles in a 24-hour period.
- Have an 85th percentile speed of at least 35 MPH in at least one direction.
Traffic Calming is a community-driven process that starts with a letter from the local community association or a petition. Once that letter or petition is received by our office, the Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) will perform a study to determine if the requested roads meet the qualifications listed above. If it qualifies, the community forms a task force and FCDOT will begin to draft a plan. The task force, my office and FCDOT meet to discuss the draft plan approved by the task force. If approved, the task force will then get sign off from each owner with a traffic calming device directly adjacent to their property. Once those are obtained, a community meeting is advertised and held to gather feedback from the impacted neighborhood. After that meeting, the task force can elect to move towards the ballot phase, where every home in the ballot area (the impacted residences) will have an opportunity to vote yes or no. If the vote succeeds with 50%+1 of all homes voting yes, then the Board of Supervisors will vote on the measure. Lastly – VDOT conducts a final check to ensure that the plan meets their criteria and gives approval to Fairfax County to construct the devices in the plan. VDOT is then responsible for maintenance from that point forward. Feel free to contact my office for additional information on this program.
Where can I submit a request for sidewalk or trail repair, such as cracks, uneven slabs, or overhanging vegetation?
- Walkways in Fairfax County are owned by a variety of different public agencies and private entities, like HOA’s or businesses. Visit https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/publicworks/walkways for maps of walkway ownership and where you can report those maintenance requests.
- Where can I submit a request for new sidewalks, crosswalks, or other pedestrian or bicycle improvements?
- You can file your request for new walkways with the Fairfax County Department of Transportation. You can go to https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/transportation/bike-walk/report-sidewalk-or-trail-gap for more information and a link to contact the Active Transportation team to request a sidewalk or trail. Assuming the requested walkway is not part of an existing or future project already, it will be added to a list of projects in need of future funding. Sidewalks that are not part of a road project are typically funded and built by the County.
- If your request is for a crosswalk or other pedestrian improvement, those requests can be made to the Active Transportation team as detailed above, or you can contact VDOT at https://my.vdot.virginia.gov/. You are of course also welcome to contact my office and we can ensure it is passed along to the correct agency.
How do I get a street sign repaired in my neighborhood?
- If the sign that needs to be repaired is a street name sign, (Ex. Franconia Road), then you can report the maintenance need to https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/publicworks/street-name-sign-maintenance-form. Nearly all other signs you see on the street are owned by the Virginia Department of Transportation. If it is an emergency, please call VDOT immediately at 1-800-367-7623. Otherwise, you can submit a maintenance report at https://my.vdot.virginia.gov.
- Where can I submit a request for new road signs?
- Where can I report an animal carcass on the road?
- Removal of animal carcasses are the responsibility of the road owner. In most cases, that is the Virginia Department of Transportation. You can make a report at https://my.vdot.virginia.gov/.
How do I request streetlight repairs?
- Streetlights along public roadways in Fairfax County are typically maintained by Dominion Virginia Power or the Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC). The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) operates the streetlights along interstates and at major interchanges.
- You may contact any of these providers directly to report outages or issues. When reporting an outage to Dominion Virginia Power or NOVEC, you will need to have the location of the pole and the pole number (More information on reading pole numbers).
- Dominion Virginia Power: Call 1-866-DOM-HELP (366-4357), TTY 711. Dominion Virginia Power uses a coding system when responding to repair orders where the problem cannot be resolved on the first visit. If further work is required to correct the problem, a color-coded tag is wrapped around the light post: blue (overhead repair is required), green (underground repair is necessary), and yellow (underground cable is damaged and needs repair).
- NOVEC: Call 703-335-0500, TTY 711
- If the Streetlight is located at a major interchange you will need to contact VDOT.
- Streetlight Outage at Major Interchanges or a Traffic Light Problem: Call VDOT: 1-800-FOR-ROAD (1-800-367-7623), TTY 711
- If a streetlight is located on a private road, it is the responsibility of the light's owner (the homeowner's association, for instance) to relay the report to the power supplier.
- You can report streetlights through the online Streetlight Outage Reporter.
What are the parking regulations and how do I report parking violations?
- You can find a summary of parking regulations at the Parking Restrictions and Related Issues page. To report a violation, call the Fairfax County Department of Public Safety Communications Non-Emergency phone number at (703) 691-2131.
- What are the rules on commercial vehicles in residential neighborhoods and how do I report violations?
- It is illegal to park any commercial vehicle, trailer, or semi-trailer on or adjacent to roads in residentially zoned areas, except one taxicab or limousine per dwelling unit if registered and licensed in the Commonwealth. Does not apply to temporary business activity. A commercial vehicle is defined by the Fairfax County code as “
- (1) any solid waste collection vehicle, tractor truck or tractor truck/semitrailer or tractor truck/trailer combination, dump truck, concrete mixer truck, towing and recovery vehicle with a registered gross weight of 12,000 pounds or more, and any heavy construction equipment, whether located on the highway or on a truck, trailer, or semitrailer;
- (2) any trailer, semitrailer, or other vehicle in which food or beverages are stored or sold;
- (3) any trailer or semitrailer used for transporting landscaping or lawn-care equipment whether or not such trailer or semitrailer is attached to another vehicle;
- (4) any vehicle licensed for use as a contract carrier or as a limousine;
- (5) any vehicle more than 21 feet in length or more than eight feet in height including appurtenances attached to the vehicle, or with a width of 102 inches or more, or with a gross weight of 12,000 or more pounds, other than: commercial vehicles used by a public service company, as defined in § 56-1 or by others working on its behalf; watercraft and motor homes; school buses used on a current and regular basis to transport students; clearly marked privately owned vehicles displaying accessible parking placards or license plates, not for hire, driven by or used for transport of persons with disabilities; commercial vehicles used in the provision of cable television service as defined in § 15.2-2108.1; moving vehicles, within 48 hours of execution of the leasing contract; or commercial vehicles used in the provision of propane gas service;
- (6) any vehicle carrying commercial freight in plain view;
- (7) any trailer, semitrailer, or double axle utility trailer, regardless of whether a state safety inspection is required, except those designed to be used as a camper trailer or boat trailer or a single axle utility trailer, regardless of whether such trailer or semitrailer is attached to another vehicle; or
- (8) any vehicle with three or more axles.
- Additionally, Franconia District is a Large-Area Community Parking District, which prohibits the parking of watercraft, motor homes, campers, trailers, vehicles greater than or equal to 3 axles, vehicles with a GVWR greater than or equal to 12,000 lbs., and vehicles transporting greater than or equal to 16 passengers (except school buses) on public streets in residentially zoned areas. Vehicles parked in violation are subject to a $75 fine for each violation and may be towed at the owner’s expense.
- To report a violation, call the Fairfax County Department of Public Safety Communications Non-Emergency phone number at (703) 691-2131.
Where can I find information on snow plowing?
- VDOT is responsible for clearing roads when it snows. VDOT's goal is to have all roads passable within 48 hours after a storm ends. Interstates, primary roads, and major secondary roads that connect localities, fire stations, employment hubs, schools, hospitals, and public facilities are plowed first. With a big storm, it may be several days before you see a plow on your residential street. More information on snow removal is available at https://www.virginiadot.org/travel/snow.asp.
- You can track VDOT’s plowing operation during storms at www.vdotplows.org.