24/7 Hotlines
Adult Protective Services: 703-324-7450
Child Protective Services: 703-324-7400
Domestic & Sexual Violence: 703-360-7273
Emergency Mental Health: 703-573-5679
Suicide Prevention: 988 or Text “CONNECT” to 85511
* All phone numbers TTY 711 unless otherwise listed
Coordinated Services Planning
Connects Fairfax County residents to county- and community-based services and resources that promote self-sufficiency and enhance well-being.
Contact CSP If you need help with emergency food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, employment, financial assistance and other needs.
Phone: 703-222-0880
Web: Fairfaxcounty.gov/NCS
Fairfax County is committed to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in all county programs, services and activities.
Where a TTY number is not indicated, use 711/Virginia Relay.
Reasonable accommodations made upon request; call 703-324-4600.
Programs and Services
Screening, assessment and support are available in-person and via telehealth. Services include individual therapy, case management/support coordination, group therapy, psychiatric services, nursing services, pharmacy services, emergency services, homeless drop-in service, detoxification services, residential treatment and crisis stabilization.
Opioid education and overdose reversal training for community members is also available.
- Phone: 703-383-8500
Emergency and crisis stabilization services are available 24/7 by calling 703-573-5679.
Child Care Assistance and Referral Program (CCAR)
Resources and referrals about various center-based and family child care programs located throughout the county as well as financial assistance.
- Phone: 703-449-8484
- Email: CCARInfo@fairfaxcounty.gov
- Web: FairfaxCounty.gov/ search: CCAR
School Age Child Care (SACC)
SACC provides fun, safe and educational care for children in kindergarten-sixth grade before school, after school and during school vacations in most elementary schools. Children with special needs are fully included in all SACC centers.
- Phone: 703-449-8989
- Web: FairfaxCounty.gov/ search: SACC
Free services for victims of domestic and sexual violence, stalking, and human sex trafficking, and their families, including safety planning, crisis intervention, options counseling, protective orders, criminal injuries compensation, emergency shelter, and a food pantry.
- Phone: 703-246-4573
Aging, Disability and Caregiver support.
Resources Line:
- Phone: 703-324-7948
Anyone needing essential services can make an appointment at one of five public health clinic sites in Fairfax.
These services include immunizations and yellow fever vaccine; pregnancy tests; sexually transmitted
infection testing and treatment; tuberculosis testing; and WIC* nutritional services.
- Phone: 703-246-7100
- Web: FairfaxCounty.gov/health
* WIC, a supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children up to age 5.
Emergency housing and rent/utility assistance:
- Phone: 703-222-0880
Tenant-landlord resources, concerns and complaints:
- Phone: 703-222-8435
Rental housing and home ownership programs:
- Phone: 703-246-5101
Evaluations and early intervention services for infants and toddlers (up to age 3) who have a developmental delay or a diagnosis that may lead to developmental delays.
- Phone: 703-246-7121
- Web: FairfaxCounty.gov/ search: “ITC First Steps”
JDRDC provides intake services for victims of domestic violence and who want a protective order.
Anyone experiencing behavioral difficulties with their child that is criminal in nature can call Juvenile Intake:
- Phone: 703-246-2495
- Web: FairfaxCounty.gov/JuvenileDomesticRelations
Advice about discipline, stress management, ideas for fun things to do as a family, virtual Parent Cafés and more.
- Phone: 703-324-7720
Apply online for SNAP, TANF and Medicaid at:
Department of Family Services
- Phone: 703-324-7500
- Email: DFSInfo@Fairfaxcounty.gov
Fairfax County Public Library
The Library provides programming, community spaces, technology, and educational and recreational resources at eight regional branches, 14 community branches, and one branch dedicated to serving customers who have special accessibility requirements. Online resources including informational databases, eBooks and audiobooks, and a video streaming service.
- Phone: 703-324-3100
- Web: FairfaxCounty.gov/Library
McLean and Reston Community Centers
The McLean and Reston communities are served by two community centers funded by special property taxes. The centers offer classes, lectures, camps, trips, art exhibits, theater performances and specialty shows.
Financial assistance is available.
McLean Community Center:
- Phone: 703-790-0123
- Email: Programs@mcleancenter.org
- Web: McLeanCenter.org
Reston Community Center:
- Phone: 703-476-4500
- Email: RCCcontact@Fairfaxcounty.gov
- Web: RestonCommunityCenter.com
Neighborhood & Community Services
More than 25 Community Centers—including 14 Senior Centers and four Teen Centers—offer community spaces, technology, inclusive support services, camps, and programs for all ages and
abilities. Online programming available.
Therapeutic Recreation Services helps
individuals with disabilities develop skills
to participate in recreation and leisure
programs. Financial assistance is available
for camps and programs with a fee.
- Phone: 703-324-4600
- Web: FairfaxCounty.gov/NCS
Park Authority
The award-winning park and recreation system offers parks, trails, and open space, as well as nature, history, and recreational facilities throughout the county.
Camps, recreation programs, and adaptive recreational opportunities are offered year-round. Financial assistance available for classes and camps.
The PACT program provides scholarship funds for children of families experiencing homelessness to attend summer camps. Also offers a variety of adapted recreation for people with disabilities.
- Phone: 703-324-8700
- Web: FairfaxCounty.gov/Parks/Scholarships
Fairfax Connector
Fairfax Connector offers:
- free rides for children ages 12 and under when accompanied by a paying adult.
- free student bus passes for middle and high school students.
- free transfers between Metrorail and Fairfax Connector buses.
- a 50% discount through TRIP for eligible riders.
- Phone: 703-339-7200
- Web: FairfaxCounty.gov/Connector
Fairfax County Human Services
Assistance is available for older adults, low-income individuals, individuals with disabilities and individuals accessing Fairfax County Human Services.
- Phone: 703-222-9764
- Web: FairfaxCounty.gov/NCS
Get help with job searches, interview prep, career coaching and more at one of our Fairfax Employment Resource Centers located in Alexandria, Annandale, Fairfax and Reston.
- Phone: 703-533-5400
- Email: DFSVCWAnnandale@Fairfaxcounty.gov
- Web: FairfaxCounty.gov/FamilyServices
Human Services Resource Guide
The Human Services Resource Guide (HSRG) is a searchable database that contains information on thousands of nonprofit and government services available to Fairfax County residents. Anyone with an Internet connection has 24/7 access to the HSRG, including from mobile devices.
The primary focus of the database is on human services programs for low-income residents and those in need and the bulk of the information is about programs, including detailed service descriptions, eligibility, locations (maps and directions), and contact information.
Data & Reports
Countywide Data Analytics (CDA) provides services to increase access to data, produce actionable information for county use, and foster continuous improvements. The Data Analytics unit publishes products in a variety of formats, including reports, web mapping applications, and assessments, created in collaboration with other county agencies and partners.
For more about Health and Human services, please visit the links below.