Standard Dominion Energy (DE) Pole Identifier Number
DE streetlights can be found on wood, concrete, or metal poles. The pole number can be placed at various locations along the pole as indicated by the pictures.
Visit Report Outage or Emergency | Virginia | Dominion Energy for more information including how to report issues, typical restoration timeframes, pole identifiers, and explanation of the colored pole wraps once a report is investigated.
To report an outage directly to DE, you can use their online form or call 1-866-366-4357, TTY 711.
Standard NOVEC Pole Identifier Number
NOVEC streetlights can be found on wood, concrete, or metal poles.
To report an outage directly to NOVEC, you can use their online form or call 1-888-335-0500, TTY 711.
Click here to return to the main page Report Streetlight Outage.