Public Works and Environmental Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our administrative offices are open to the public. Appointments are preferred. Please call or email 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Mon - Fri
703-324-5111 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway
Suite 463, Fairfax, Va 22035
Aileen Santiago
Chief, Streetlights

Streetlight Developer Program

Before contacting county staff, please review the information on this page and submit requests using the procedures outlined below.

The Streetlight Developer Program provides for the installation of new streetlights and the upgrading of existing streetlights by developers as part of the land development process.


Streetlights are installed as a part of new development, which reduces installation cost

Since the developer controls the property, restoration work and/or easements are typically not required on private property

Underground electrical lines, rather than overhead lines, are required to be installed in new developments

Enhanced public safety


Since July 1988, new land developments in the county are required to install streetlights as a condition for plan approval. The developer pays for the initial cost of installation; however, after installation, the streetlights are owned, operated and maintained by either Dominion Energy or Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative. Fairfax County pays the monthly invoices from the utility company to operate and maintain the streetlights. The specific requirements for the installation of streetlights are contained in Section 7-0800 of the Fairfax County Public Facilities Manual.

Outline of the Street Lighting Requirements

Site Plans

  • Along the full frontage

Subdivision Plans

  • At the entrance into the subdivision from a state roadway
  • Along all subdivision roadways (lot size less than 18,000 square feet)

Public Improvement Plans

  • Along the full property frontage abutting all state roadways

Payment Process

  1. A development plan is approved by Fairfax County with requirements to install new and/or upgrade existing streetlights.
  2. Based on the project construction schedule, and at a minimum of 135 days prior to the desired streetlight installation date, the developer submits a Streetlight Cost Estimate Request Form to Fairfax County to initiate the process for the preparation of a cost estimate and construction sketch by Dominion Energy.
  3. Fairfax County initiates a work request with Dominion Energy and submits a formal request to them for the preparation of a cost estimate and construction sketch based on the streetlight requirements indicated on the approved development plan.
  4. Within 45 days, Dominion Energy provides the county with a formal cost estimate and construction sketch for the streetlight project, along with any easement requests for the project. Upon review of the construction sketch and cost estimate to assure compliance with the approved development plan, the county records the information in their internal spread sheet and forwards the cost estimate to the developer with instructions for payment.
  5. Within 30 days after receiving the cost estimate, the developer shall make full payment by providing a check in the correct amount and made payable to Fairfax County, delivered to Fairfax County DPWES, Land Development Services, 12055 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, VA.  By this time, fully executed copies of all deeds of required streetlight easements must be transmitted to Dominion Energy.
  6. Upon receipt of the streetlight payment, Fairfax County will issue a letter of authorization to Dominion Energy to complete the streetlight work.
  7. Upon receipt of the letter of authorization, Dominion Energy will order materials, obtain necessary permits, and proceed with construction.
  8. Upon completion of the work, Dominion Energy will issue an invoice to Fairfax County requiring payment within 30 days of the invoice date.
  9. Upon receipt of the invoice, Fairfax County will match the invoice to the original cost estimate, prepare a payment cover sheet, and forward the pay request to accounting.  Accounting will then process the payment and expedite the check issuance to Dominion Energy.
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