Public Works and Environmental Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our administrative offices are open 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Mon - Fri
703-324-5500 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway
Suite 449, Fairfax, Va 22035
Joni Calmbacher
Director, Stormwater Planning

Know Your Flood Risk

Flooding is one of Fairfax County’s most common hazards. Be prepared for flooding no matter where you live, but particularly if you are in a low-lying area, near a body of water, or in other areas known to flood in previous storms. The first step is understanding your flood risk.

The Flood Risk Awareness Tool

To help customers develop quality construction plans for county review, Fairfax County provides the Flood Risk Awareness Tool GIS application. The Flood Risk Awareness Tool allows customers and the public to access centralized floodplain data and related information through one application. Understanding the complexities of Fairfax’s floodplain data is key when considering potential construction in these areas.

GIS Flood Risk Awareness Tool
Click on the image to open the Flood Risk Awareness Tool to view the centralized floodplain data.

More About the Flood Risk Awareness Tool

  1. Go to Flood Risk Awareness Tool
  2. Type in your address in the box provided at the top of the screen
  3. Under Layer List () turn on the following layers by checking the box to the left of the layer name:​
    • Recorded Floodplains
    • FEMA Flood Hazard Areas​
    • Potential Sump Conditions
    • Overland Relief Flow Accumulation​
  4. Look back at the mapping and see if your property or house is in or directly adjacent to one of these layers.​
  5. During the next significant rain event, see how well the mapping tool results compare to what you see on your property:
    • Do you see water flowing along the Overland Relief Flow Accumulation path?​
    • If you are in a floodplain, do you see water overflowing the stream and ponding in the floodplain boundaries?​
    • If your property has a potential sump condition, do you see water collecting and ponding in these depressions or low-lying areas?​

To learn more about the development of this flood risk evaluation tool, please view the Analyzing Flood Risk StoryMap or read the accompanying technical paper.

Analyzing Flood Risk story map screenshot

Fairfax Virtual Assistant