We offer online webinars for the landscape professional community each year to familiarize designers and installers with the program. Interested landscape professionals who watch the two videos and complete the CAP quiz can be added to our landscape professionals list that is available to all of our CAP/VCAP participants in Fairfax County, City of Fairfax, and City of Alexandria.
VCAP/CAP promotes conservation-oriented landscape practices. Detailed information about practice requirements can be found in the VCAP Design Manual. Other practice-specific design information is available on the VASWCD website.
Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professionals Program
The Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professionals (CBLP) program is a training to help landscaping professionals learn about the installation, design, and maintenance of stormwater best management practices (BMPs). They offer a Level 1 and Level 2 certification. Interested in becoming certified? View the training dates on the training calendar to see all the training locations. Still have questions? Contact the program coordinator, Beth Ginter, at beth@cblpro.org.