The Body Safety Program is taught FREE of charge in elementary schools, child care centers, community centers and other group settings for children in Pre-K to sixth grade. It is a school-based program that focuses on building safety skills within the child, preparing them to identify risks such as:
- Child abuse.
- Bullying.
- Internet safety.
The curriculum, Childhelp® Speak Up Be Safe, gives children a comfortable, non-alarming way to talk about the sensitive and complex problem of child abuse:
- Children learn how to prevent or interrupt abuse, empowering them to act if they are threatened or victimized.
- Trained facilitators lead the interactive presentation which takes about 45 – 60 minutes including an age appropriate video.
- Handouts and online resources reinforce learning and engage families in discussion about personal safety and abuse.
The Body Safety Program Offers Virtual Classes
The Body Safety Program is now offering virtual classes to any Pre-K through sixth grade students living in Fairfax County. If you are interested in learning more about or scheduling a virtual class(es), contact one of the Body Safety Program staff by email or call 703-324-7459.
Virtual Classes
- Available virtually via a preferred platform.
- Shorter sessions (30 minutes-1 hour).
- Emphasis on online safety.
- Include an interactive component via chat or video chime in from students.