Land Development Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Friday, 9:15 a.m. - 4 p.m. Please note that visitors may not be added to in-person queues past 3:45 p.m.
703-222-0801 TTY 711
12055 Government Center Pkwy
Fairfax, VA 22035
Bill Hicks

Building Permit Amendment

An amendment is required for any change made to an existing scope of work or design element(s) of an issued permit. Proposed changes must be clearly identified on the plan (e.g., clouding). Additionally, amendments are required to update or add Mechanic Lien Agent (MLA) contact information on an issued permit.

This information is the most common for how to obtain the necessary approval for your project and is not representative of all the conditions you may encounter.



Only the contacts listed on the original permit record may apply for an amendment in PLUS.



Before submitting, ensure you are aware of all applicable regulations and conditions that could affect your project to avoid surprises during the review process. Some of those factors include:

  • Zoning Information
  • Design Codes and Standards
  • Do I need to hire a Registered Design Professional (RDP)?
  • Floodplains
  • Resource Protection Areas (RPA)
  • Grading/Site plans
  • Parking Tabulation
  • Types of Soils and Problem Soils
  • Researching Site Conditions


To get a detailed description about each regulation and condition, visit our Plan Ahead page.




PLUS Application

Apply for your amendment by first locating the appropriate permit record and selecting the Make Changes (Figure 1) action.

make changes tab
Figure 1


Select Building Permit Amendment (Figure 2) as the appropriate amendment type. Then click Continue Application.

selection screen
Figure 2


In the “Project Description” box (Figure 3), enter a detailed description of the changes proposed. If you are amending to add or remove trade equipment, be specific as to what you are proposing to add; include quantities for each item you are adding. If adding an MLA, provide the company name, address, and either an email address or phone number.

project description
Figure 3

Select the appropriate Amendment Details as follows then Continue Application (Figure 4):

  • Amendment with No Plans: Changes to the permit details or scope that do not affect the information shown on the approved plans (such as an MLA).
  • Amendment with Plans: Changes to information shown on the approved plans. New plans must be uploaded with the amendment submission and must clearly identify all proposed changes on each affected plan sheet by clouding, bubbling, etc.
  • Revision: Changes to the approved plans that do not require modifications to the issued permit (for example, a framing change to the previously approved lumber size). All affected plan sheets must clearly identify proposed changes by clouding, bubbling, etc.

selection screen
Figure 4

Helpful Videos:

red arrow in gray box Make Changes to a Record - YouTube Video

red arrow in gray box Upload Files - YouTube Video

Helpful Instruction Guides:


What's Next?

Once the amendment is submitted, the original permit record status will update to “Issued – Amendment Pending.” The Building Permit Amendment will use the original Building Permit record number, followed by the number of the amendment (e.g., 01, 02, 03).

application tab


Review Process

Staff from the Permit Application Center will review your submission for completeness and compliance with the building code and county ordinances. If plans are required, your application will be routed to the appropriate review staff. You will be notified of any deficiencies. Corrections, resubmission fees and additional supporting documents may be required.

Permit amendment fees are paid prior to issuance of the amendment.


 Permit Issuance

Once all county reviews are approved and fees paid, the amendment record will update to “Closed.” The status of the original permit record which was amended will update back to “Issued.” A revised permit card and approved plans, if applicable, will be available to download from PLUS, under your original permit.

Helpful Video:

red arrow in gray box Access Approved Plans - YouTube



Inspections cannot be scheduled while there is an active amendment in process. Once the amendment is approved and in the “closed” status, and the original permit record returns to a status of “issued” and not “issued - amendment pending,” inspections can be scheduled.

The county must be notified once stages of construction are reached that require an inspection. For more information, see our inspections webpage.

Helpful Video:

red arrow in gray box Building Inspections (an overview on how to schedule an inspection) - YouTube Video

red arrow in gray box Scheduling Building Inspections (a deeper dive into scheduling inspections, including common issues) - YouTube Video


Additional Resources



Need More Assistance?

For questions or additional information, please contact staff via telephone at 703-222-0801, TTY 711.



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