The plan is under final development and is scheduled to be completed by Spring 2025. Staff are working to refine issues related to the construction access road.
Channel incision and widening, floodplain mowed to top of bank.
Channel widening and migrating onto private property. Sanitary Sewer and private property shed at risk of erosion.
The proposed restoration project is identified in the Dead Run Management Plan as DE9244D1. The stream channel exhibits eroded and over-widened banks, head-cuts, and the potential for further bed and bank instability. Restoration objectives include stream stabilization, water quality improvement, aquatic and riparian habitat enhancement, and reconnection of the channel with its floodplain.
This project is a continuation of the completed stream restoration through Mclean Central Park, known as Dead Run Segments 1, 2 and 3.
Employees of the Stormwater Planning Division initiated the design of the project in October 2019. The design team includes the engineering design consultant Stantec Consulting Services, Inc, county staff from Stormwater Management, Utilities Design and Construction, Urban Forestry, Park Authority, Wastewater Management, Land Acquisition, residents along the project area, Civic Associations and other organizations within the community.
Project Description
Erosion at the bridge abutment.
The project includes restoration of approximately 5,600 linear feet of Dead Run, its tributaries, stormwater outfalls and the floodplain within the stream valley between Churchill Road and Georgetown Pike.
The goal of the project is to implement a sustainable project for the protection of property, health and safety, and improvement of water quality. This goal will be accomplished by restoring the stream’s dimension, pattern and profile to a form that is appropriate for current and future hydrologic conditions of the watershed. The proposed project will restore equilibrium to the channel and riparian corridor, allow for the effective conveyance of water and sediment without excessive channel erosion and migration, enhancement of habitat, improved species diversity and restore the ability of the channel and its floodplain to naturally process excess nutrients and sediment. The proposed project will also maximize the preservation of existing trees and soil, and will repurpose the fallen trees and existing streambed material within the restoration project.
The primary goals of the restoration are:
Improve Water Quality
Stabilize streambed and banks
Reduce sediment and nutrient inputs into stream system
Installation of grade control structures, channel dimension and alignment
Improve floodplain connectivity and ecological processes
Increase frequency and residence time of water on floodplain
Reduce force and volume of water within the channel during storm and flood events
Naturally process nutrients and sediments on the floodplain and within the streambed
Resilient and regenerative design of riparian system
Improve habitat for biological community
Native landscaping
Floodplain wetlands
Streambed and flow diversity
Protect Infrastructure (sanitary, water, etc.)
Maintain close coordination with community stakeholders and Fairfax County Park Authority
Project Location
The project is a continuation of the stream restoration that was completed through Mclean Central Park. It will begin at Churchill Road and extend to Georgetown Pike. The tributary behind the Saint Luke Serbian Orthodox Church is included in this scope of work.
Please see the above map. The project area is marked in blue.
Project Benefits
The benefits of this project include the protection of property, health and safety, and improvement of water quality:
Property will be protected by providing a stable stream bed, banks and alignment, which will reduce the rate of stream bank erosion and channel migration; trees at risk of falling will be removed or protected where possible; native vegetation will be installed to hold soil in place and provide habitat
Health and safety will be protected via improved water quality, protection of public utilities, such as sanitary sewer lines, within the floodplain and stabilization of stream banks
Improvement of water quality will be provided through the removal of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Total Suspended Solids
The forest health will be improved through removal of invasive plant species, planting of locally native plant species and restoration of wetlands
What to Expect
As the project advances through the iterative design development process, community meetings will be scheduled to present the project and its design to the residents along the project and receive feedback from the community. Meetings will be scheduled for a project introduction, concept design, 95 percent design, 100 percent design/pre-construction and post-construction.
Project Cost and Funding Source
Design of the Dead Run at Georgetown Pike stream restoration project has been funded for $815,000. Construction funding is dependent upon future budget availability and allocations. Stormwater projects are funded through the county Stormwater Service District
Presentations to the Community
For more information please email Project Manager, Heather Ambrose, Stormwater Planning Division, Department of Public Works and Environmental Services, or call 703-324-5500, TTY 711.