The Fairfax 50+ Community Action Plan Initiatives: Services for Older Adults and Caregivers
Home Health Care Cooperative
Encourage development of a home health care cooperative that includes caregivers, service recipients and providers.
Housing for Older Homeless Adults and Those at Risk of Becoming Homeless
Increase safe housing for 55+, especially those at risk of chronic medical conditions and those who become homeless through abuse, abandonment, and other issues beyond their control.
Creating a Communication Buzz
Expand the Fairfax Area Agency on Aging's Community Ambassador Program to reach 75+ adults who do not access the internet for information. A Communications Advisory Group will be formed to enhance the county's "word of mouth" dissemination of information.
Caring for the Caregiver
Through focus groups and a caregiver needs assessment tool, identify caregiver needs and service gaps. Convene a panel of experts and family caregivers to define strategies to address service needs.
Optimizing the Number of Links into the County's Older Adults Webpage
Post links to the county's webpages that older adults and caregivers are most likely to visit. More links into the Older Adults webpage will increase visits to the site, and therefore, encourage visitors to find the services they need through the Aging, Disability and Caregiver Resources Line (703-324-7948, TTY 711).
Read summaries of The Fairfax 50+ Community Action Plan Initiatives