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See doctor any time there is concern about how a person with the flu is looking or acting.
When to See a Doctor |
When to Go to the Emergency Room |
See a doctor if an adult has:
- Fever of 100.4º F (38º C) or higher for 48 hours.
- Combination of fever with sore throat, headache, severe earache, stomach ache, muscle aches that do not improve.
- Hoarse, barking cough.
- History of heart or lung disease or any chronic disease that requires medical care.
- History of disease or treatment that weakens the immune system.
Go to the emergency room if the adult is:
- Breathing with difficulty or pain.
- Feeling short of breath while resting.
- Coughing bloody phlegm.
- Feeling chest pain.
- Having continuous vomiting and/or diarrhea.
- Drowsy, difficult to arouse or is unresponsive.
- Showing signs of confusion.
When to See a Doctor |
When to Go to the Emergency Room |
See a doctor if your child has:
- Fever of 100.4º F (38º C) or higher.
- Hoarse cry, or a barking cough or is pulling on his/her ears.
- Decreased eating and drinking.
- History of heart or lung disease that requires medical care.
- History of disease or treatment that weakens the immune system.
- Prolonged crying and cannot be calmed.
- Combination of fever with sore throat, headache, stomach ache, earache.
- A medical condition that requires taking aspirin regularly.
Go to the emergency room if your child is:
- Age three months or younger with temperature of 100.4ºF (38º C) or higher.
- Breathing with difficulty (wheezing, noisy, too fast/too slow, pulling muscles between ribs when breathing).
- Not eating or drinking.
- Showing symptoms such as pale or blue lips, hands or feet, cold legs.
- Having continuous vomiting and/or diarrhea.
- Not urinating — for babies, no wet diaper in 8 hours.
- Sleeping more than normal, difficult to arouse, confused, unresponsive.
- Having seizures.
- Showing signs of pain including headache, stiff neck, sensitivity to light.