Fairfax County Neighborhood and Community Services invites youth and young adults ages 14 – 24 to attend the Discover Your Path Expo on Saturday, February 1, 2025 (10 a.m. - 3 p.m.) at Hybla Valley Community Center, 7950 Audubon Ave., Alexandria.
The expo will offer an array of career and educational opportunities and community resources for Fairfax County’s youth ages 14-24 and those who seek employment pathways and economic mobility.
It will be a chance to connect with colleges, employers and trade schools, learn about college admissions and financial aid, and take part in skill-building and entrepreneurship workshops. There will be lunch, raffles and door prizes. Admission is free. Please register in advance as capacity for workshops is limited.
Workshops Include:
Ultimate DC Motor Model Car Bootcamp
Two sessions (morning/afternoon). Maximum 10 participants per session. Sponsored by the WISH Center.
Build your own DC motor race car and learn key skills such as testing for alignment and constructing a robust vehicle built to withstand impact. Through an interactive racing team challenge, master the fundamentals of gears and gear ratios, and apply this knowledge in real-world scenarios. Gain practical experience with a variety of carpentry power tools, soldering equipment and cutting-edge technology.
“AI” Side Hustles: Master AI In One Day
One session (morning). Maximum 25 participants. Bring your own laptop, if you don’t have one, one will be provided for you to use for the class. Hosted by School at Night.
Unlock the power of artificial intelligence to design unique, marketable digital products and deliver professional services. Gain hands-on experience creating low-cost, high-impact prototypes. From custom T-shirts and mugs to captivating 3D videos and mobile phone apps, learn to design products that stand out and master proven marketing strategies to successfully promote and sell creations independently.
College Fund
Financial aid workshop. One session (time TBD).
Take part in an in-depth review of the financial aid process, including scholarships, grants, loans and work-study. The workshop covers basic financial aid concepts, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and need analysis, as well as an overview of state and federal financial aid programs.
Register to attend the expo at https://bit.ly/FebDiscoverYourPath
For more information on securing an expo table or presenting, contact Kenya Turner, Program Director, at Kenya.Turner@fairfaxcounty.gov or 703-704-6334.
For information on volunteering at the event (ages 18 and older), contact Hadyn Kihm, Volunteer Program Supervisor, at hadyn.kihm@fairfaxcounty.gov or 703-324-5713.
See more information on flyers in English, Spanish.
For more information, please visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ncs and search for “Discover Your Path Expo.”
The total cost of the NCS Re-Engagement Center program is $3,291,422. $2,100,000 (64%) is funded through a U.S. Department of Labor – Employment and Training Administration grant. The other $1,191,422 (36%) is funded through local resources.