Public Works and Environmental Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our administrative offices are open 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Mon - Fri
703-324-5500 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway
Suite 449, Fairfax, Va 22035
Joni Calmbacher
Director, Stormwater Planning

Levee Safety and Flood Warning

This page provides levee safety warning to the residents who live in or near the area protected by the Huntington Levee. The levee diverts the flow of water in Cameron Run and reduces the risk of flooding. However, it is important to remember that while levees reduce the risk from flooding events, they do not eliminate that risk.

Levees can be overtopped or fail during flood events exceeding the design control level. If a levee fails, the result can be more destructive to lives and property than if the levee had not been present. Additionally, storm events exceeding the design level for the pump station that manages the internal drainage flows also have the potential to cause flooding. Fairfax County monitors the Huntington levee and has a flood response plan for the Huntington community to guide actions and possible evacuation measures during extreme storm events.

It is important that residents in the area protected by the Huntington Levee:


Fairfax Alerts delivers emergency information to county residents before, during and after a crisis and provides notices about severe weather and traffic congestion. Messages are delivered to all devices registered and may include email, cell and home phones, pagers and other wireless devices.

Register for emergency alerts from Fairfax County at

Fairfax Alerts

The official Fairfax County emergency preparedness, response and recovery website.

Sign up to receive blog alerts and updates at Fairfax County Emergency Information.

There are important safety measures that residents and business owners should take in preparation for a flood that include planning, preparing and mitigating. Insure your property for your flood risk. Information about flood insurance can be seen at Flood Insurance |

Make a plan before there is an emergency. Build an emergency kit for yourself and your family. Don’t forget your pets. Learn more at Ready Fairfax | Emergency

Always be Prepared for Flooding

  • Turn around, don't drown.
  • Know how to shut off electricity and gas to your home and business.
  • Make a list of emergency telephone numbers and identify a safe place to go.
  • Make an inventory of your home and business items especially basement contents.
  • Purchase flood insurance, even if the home or business is in a mapped moderate risk area landward of the levee.
  • Consider floodproofing (where appropriate) and other protective measures, such as elevating furnaces, water heaters, and electrical panels and sealing basement walls to avoid seepage.
  • Put insurance policies, valuable papers, and medicines in a safe but accessible place.
  • Put cleaning supplies, a camera and waterproof boots in a handy place.
  • Register for Fairfax Alerts and Fairfax County's Emergency Blog.

To help prepare your family, home and business for a disaster, the Office of Emergency Management provides information at Department of Emergency Management and Security or call 571-350-1000, TTY 711.

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