Heading out to enjoy camping or hiking at one of Fairfax County's parks? Bite Buster and Patrick share their best practices for treating clothes and equipment with insect repellent so you can #FightTheBite.
About Patrick: He is a Fairfax County elementary school student who enjoys the outdoors, including attending Boy Scout Camp with and going on hikes and camping trips with his dad.
About Bite Buster: Bite Buster is a Fairfax County superhero committed to helping people protect themselves against tick and mosquitos and the diseases these insects carry. He has delivered his #FightTheBite message to thousands of locals, including fourth graders like Patrick who receive his calendar each year.
Want Bite Buster to deliver his #FightTheBite education to your school or group? Just email us. Our bug biologists would welcome the opportunity to visit your event or classroom.