Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Friday, 9:15 a.m. - 4 p.m. Please note that visitors may not be added to in-person queues past 3:45 p.m.
An infill lot grading plan is required for non-bonded single-family residential construction that will disturb more than 2,500 square feet of land and includes stormwater management improvements.
Required for residential additions and structures when land disturbance is between 2,500 and 5,000 square feet and stormwater improvements are not required.
A rough grading plan is required when proposed land disturbance will exceed 2,500 square feet and the proposed clearing and grading will not be depicted on another plan type.
An approved site plan is required before construction or establishment of the following uses, including modifications or alterations to existing uses: all permitted uses in the R, C, I, and P zoning districts and special exception and special permit uses that are subject to a site plan.
A public improvement plan is required when construction of sanitary sewer, public water, storm drainage, public roads or other public improvements are required as part of a project that does not require a site plan or subdivision plan.
A minor site plan may be submitted when public improvements are not required or already exist. Other circumstances when it is appropriate are: 1) additions to existing buildings; 2) permitted use on a temporary basis; 3) additions and alterations to provide an accessibility improvement; and 4) uses that do not involve construction of gross floor area. Select "Learn More" for specific information.
The Fairfax County Code of Ordinance § 101-2-(1)(A) requires a subdivider to submit a preliminary subdivision plat for all proposed subdivisions creating more than 50 lots and may submit a preliminary subdivision plat for all proposed subdivisions creating 50 or fewer lots.
This record type is for Land Development Services’ review of the stormwater components of a transportation plan prepared by the Fairfax County Department of Transportation.
Sports fields and athletic courts, including swimming pools, over 10,000 square feet in area or with light poles that are 20 feet high, are required to have an approved sports illumination plan.