A Subdivision Plan is required to consider the subdivision of land and is subject to the subdivision provisions of Chapter 101 of the County Code. A subdivision plan depicts the proposed lot lines, streets, open space, grading, utilities, and other proposed infrastructure required by county codes, ordinances and the Public Facilities Manual. When required public improvements already exist, a subdivision may be eligible to apply under the simple subdivision process using a Record Plat (RP) in lieu of submitting a formal subdivision plan.
Depending on the scope of your project, you may need to apply for a separate building permit record in PLUS. To determine whether your project requires a permit, visit When a Permit is Required. Once you determine the appropriate record type, review the associated Permit Library guide to find details regarding the submission and review process.
This information is the most common for how to obtain the necessary approval for your project and is not representative of all the conditions you may encounter.
Homeowners or their duly authorized agents may submit subdivision plans on their own, however, the plan itself must be certified by a professional engineer, land surveyor, architect or landscape architect licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia and meeting the respective code requirements.
Before submitting, ensure you are aware of all applicable regulations and conditions that could affect your project to avoid surprises during the review process. Some of those factors include:
- Zoning Information
- Design Codes and Standards
- Do I Need to Hire a Design Professional?
- Floodplains
- Resource Protection Areas (RPA)
- Grading/Site Plans
- Parking Tabulation
- Types of Soils and Problem Soils
- Researching Site Conditions
To get a detailed description about each regulation and condition, visit our Plan Ahead page.
PLUS Application
Apply for your subdivision plan online in PLUS under the Site tab. If you are a first-time user, you must first register for an account.
Submission Guidelines
Visit our Site-Related Submission Guidelines page for information on how to submit your plan, including strongly encouraged naming conventions.
Tutorial on Uploading Plans and Documents in PLUS
Helpful Instruction Guide:
Depending on the scope of your project, one or more of the following may be required:
First Submissions:
- Digital signature – verifiable digital signature of the licensed design professional
- Designated Plan Examiner (DPE) Signature (when following an expedited plan review as described in Chapter 117 of the County Code, in partnership with the Engineers and Surveyors Institute (ESI))
- Wetlands Permit Certification (signed by either Owner/Developer/Engineer)
- Subdivision Plan Coversheet
- Subdivision Plan First Submission Checklist (required for plans submitted by non-ESI member firms)
- Stormwater Management Plan Completeness Checklist (with professional signature/seal)
- Erosion and Sediment Control Checklist (with professional signature/seal)
- Priority Rating Form for E & S Control Inspections (within the plan)
- Notices of Violation and/or Corrective Work Orders – when applicable, include a copy of any Notices of Violation and/or Corrective Work Orders from the respective agency (within the plan)
- Zoning applications – when applicable, any associated zoning applications must be referenced in the Plan Approval Information block on the coversheet and listed as a related record in PLUS.
- If related to an approved zoning case, follow and complete the 17-02 Proffer Compliance Narrative Standards to the Proffer Coordination team. For more information, visit the Proffer Compliance page.
- Review fee
For additional submission requirement details, please review the following:
- 23-06 Submission Requirements for Site Plans, Subdivision Plans and Public Improvement Plans
- Section 101-2-1 Procedure for Required Notices
- Adjoining Property Notices Sample Package
- Section 101-2-2 Minimum Requirements
Subsequent Submissions:
- Subdivision Plan Coversheet
- Digital signature – verifiable digital signature of the licensed design professional
- DPE Signature (if submitted as a DPE plan for expedited processing)
- ESI Resubmission Checklist (with professional signature/seal)
- Applicant Responses – enter responses to all open issues in the PLUS Digital Plan Room
- Surety Value Estimate
- Pro Rata Share Assessment Form
- ESI Resubmission Checklist (with professional signature/seal)
- Review fee
Helpful Videos:
Upload Corrected Plans - YouTube
Helpful Instruction Guides:
Revisions to previously approved plans (per the PFM):
- Verifiable digital signature
- Verifiable digital signature of the licensed design professional on the coversheet if (uploaded separately) or on the entire plan set if submitted as one document
- All revised sheets must contain updated seal/signature of the licensed design engineer
- For MINOR PLAN TYPES (INF, MSP, CON, RGP): When submitting 4 or more sheets, a coversheet with digital signature is required
- For MAJOR PLAN TYPES (SD, PI, SP): coversheet with digital signature is always required
- Certificate of No Change on the coversheet
- Certification that no other changes have been made to the plan except those previously approved
- Required on every MAJOR plan revision
- Only required on MINOR plans when submitting for a minor revision
- Revision narrative
- A separate letter detailing the revision that is specific and includes all proposed changes and referencing its general location (i.e., sheet number).
- The Narrative should be uploaded to the Digital Plan Room via PLUS, under the “plans” document type.
- Revision block
- Updated revision block required on all revised sheets, detailing the changes made to that respective plan sheet.
- Red-line changes - circle only proposed changes.
- Submit only the plan sheets with proposed changes.
- Submissions of plan sheets with no red-line changes will be sent back to the applicant for corrections prior to acceptance and review.
- Bond block– required to be on the coversheet of all MAJOR plan revisions. If the bond is increasing, the Surety Value Estimate Sheet needs to be resubmitted.
- Review fee
NOTE: Revisions are processed in PLUS. Please submit your revision by selecting “Make Changes” under your originally approved SITE record by following the steps outlined in the below tutorial video:
Helpful Videos:
Submitting Revisions in PLUS - YouTube
Helpful Instruction Guides:
What's Next?
To get a step-by-step guide on PLUS statuses and what they mean, see our What is My PLUS Status? Site Plans Infographic.
Review Process
Staff from the Site Application Center and Site Development and Inspections Division will review your package for completeness and compliance with applicable codes and county ordinances. You will be notified of any deficiencies. Plan corrections, resubmission fees and additional supporting documents may be required.
- Queue times
- Fees
- Common plan comments for site review
- Workflow Routing Slip to track review and plan assignment
For a detailed summary of application progress, to include the name(s) of assigned review staff, click on “Reports” in the top-right corner of the PLUS screen, when you are in a specific record, and select “Workflow Routing Slip Report.”
Plan and Permit Issuance
Once all reviews are approved, fees have been paid and all associated post-approval conditions have been satisfied, your land disturbance permit and approved plans will be available to download from PLUS.
Visit the Meeting Approval Condition web page to learn more about your plans specific approval conditions, including where to locate them in PLUS and to get the appropriate form for each condition. Once completed, submit all required documents using this form.
Once you obtain your issued land disturbance permit and approved site-related plan, you may proceed with your associated building permit record(s). For more information on building record types to include when a permit is required and how to apply, visit When a Permit is Required.
Helpful Video:
Approved Plans - YouTube Video
Site Inspections
Before beginning any land disturbing activities associated with your approved site/grading plan and land disturbance permit, you are required to request a pre-construction meeting. Before requesting your pre-construction meeting, certain items must be completed such as an approved Virginia 811 ticket. To review all required items, visit the Site Inspection page.
As-built Plan Coordination
As-built plans are separately submitted via PLUS under your original plan record, using “make changes.” As-built plans are approved by the county prior to final bond release for site plan, subdivision and public improvement projects. For submission details, to include screenshots and how to update contact information, visit the As-built Plan Coordination page.
Conservation/Bond Release
The release of the associated conservation deposit is coordinated with your site inspector upon project completion. The assigned site inspector will notify Bonds and Addressing staff to initiate the conservation escrow release process. Any associated building permit records must have a passed final inspection.
For process details, click the below graphic. For any process-related questions, please contact the Bonds and Agreements Center via email or phone at 703-222-0801, TTY 711.