Board of Supervisors - Mount Vernon District

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. M-F, TH 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., 2nd SAT (each month except August) 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
703-780-7518 TTY 711
Mount Vernon Governmental Center
2511 Parkers Lane, Mt. Vernon, VA 22306
Dan Storck
Board of Supervisor

35th Annual Town Meeting 2022

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 35th Mount Vernon Town Meeting to learn about your community!

When: Saturday, February 12, 2022

Where: Mount Vernon High School & Live Virtually on Channel 16, the County's Livestream and Facebook

Times: 7:45 a.m. - 9:30 - Exhibit Hall Open

             9:30 a.m. - noon - Speakers, Audience Q&A’s and Virtual Tour

At the meeting - whether in-person or virtually - attendees had opportunities to meet their Supervisor and County, state and federal leaders. Had their questions answered, learned about issues important to you and connect with County agencies and community service providers in our very popular Exhibit Hall (in-person only).  The highlight of the morning was taking a “virtual tour” of all that is happening in the District with your Supervisor Storck. Again this year, we monitored the COVID-19 situation, took all CDC recommended safeguards, and adjusted our format as needed.

Speakers: Board of Supervisors Chairman Jeff McKay, County Executive Bryan Hill, George Washington Parkway Superintendent Charles Cuvelier and Mount Vernon District School Board Member Karen Corbett Sanders and Special Guests Congressmen Don Beyer and Gerry Connolly.

The Fairfax County Health Department was on-site administering COVID-19 vaccines. And, as a special addition, the Mount Vernon Children’s Business Fair joined the Town Meeting with young entrepreneurs showing off their very own start-up businesses and display their wares from 9 a.m. – noon at this one-day marketplace. More information:

*Per COVID-19 protocols, all employees and visitors – regardless of vaccination status – are required to wear a mask while inside all Fairfax County facilities.

 Watch the Town Meeting (with English and Spanish closed captioning)


Engage in Our Community in 2022!

Prefer not to join us in-person this year and want to watch it now or later? The Town Meeting will stream live on Channel 16Facebook and YouTube. You can ask questions during the Q & A sessions by emailing us, commenting on Facebook or Tweeting us @DanStorck. Use #MVTownMeeting! Have plans for Saturday and want to watch it later? The video will remain on Facebook for viewing at your convenience and replay on Channel 16. The broadcast will have Spanish closed captioning available. 

***To request reasonable ADA accommodations or language translation services, call the Mount Vernon District Office, 703-780-7518 or TTY 711 on or before 2/4/22.



Town Meeting Flyer
Town Meeting Mailer - including our 2021 accomplishments and 2022 focus
Town Meeting Mailertranslation version.  You can use Google Translate on this page to read the mailer in most languages.

Check out the contents of the Town Meeting Information Bags... 

Read about last year's Town Meeting...

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