The Lorton Landfill, owned by Furnace Associates, Inc. (FAI), stopped accepting construction and demolition debris in 2018. The permanent closure process involved capping the landfill and planting vegetation, and was completed in 2021.
Leachate, from the Lorton Landfill is collected and transported to an offsite facility for treatment in order to ensure that it does not impact Fairfax County’s wastewater treatment and conveyance system. The landfill is regularly inspected by staff from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and Fairfax County. Inspections will continue through the closure process and for many years afterward.
The current owner has been diligently working with a multi-agency team of staff, with input from the surrounding community, to develop a plan for the passive amenities to be built on Overlook Ridge Park. The park is expected to be open to the public in 2025.