Neighborhood and Community Services

703-324-4600 TTY 711
12011 Government Center Parkway
Fairfax, VA 22035
Lloyd Tucker

NCS Celebrates the Opening of the South County Teen and Senior Centers

On September 22, about 50 community members gathered for a ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating the opening of the South County Teen and Senior Centers at the Original Mount Vernon High School. Watch the "16 Around Fairfax" segment on the event below:

Speakers at the event included Dan Storck, Supervisor, Mount Vernon District, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors; Jeffrey C. McKay, Chairman, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors; Karen Corbett Sanders, Member, Mount Vernon District, Fairfax County Public School Board; Lloyd Tucker, Director, Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services; and Chris Herrington, Director, Fairfax Department of Public Works and Environmental Services. Two center participants also shared their experiences: Teen Center member Leona Rush and Senior Center member Thomas Buckingham.

Fairfax County acquired the OMVHS in fall 2016 following vacation of the long-term lease and began an effort to plan for adaptive reuse of the building. A number of interim and permanent occupancies have been implemented, including the renovation and opening of the gym, a satellite Fire Marshal’s Office for the South County area, a Fairfax County Public Schools registration site, and relocation of the teen/senior center from the South County Center. Phase II of redevelopment planning continues.

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