Many NCS centers with youth programs will hold special events in October in honor of Lights on Afterschool, a national rally for after school programs sponsored by the Afterschool Alliance. This year’s Lights on Afterschool observance is Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023.
The Afterschool Alliance, a non-profit advocacy organization working to ensure all children and youth have access to quality afterschool programs, says after school programs will hold about 8,000 events nationwide to highlight the ways after school programs support student success.
NCS offers School Age Child Care (SACC), Teen Centers and other such programs at Community Centers and school locations throughout Fairfax County. We provide a safe, structured environment for promoting social connections, commitment to learning, health, wellness and individual growth. Programs run on school days, as well as summer, spring or winter break.
SACC fees are based on household income. Many of the other programs are free.
A large body of evidence demonstrates improvements in grades, school attendance, behavior and more among children who participate in after school programs, says the Afterschool Alliance.
Researchers have also found that students in after school programs are more engaged in school and excited about learning and develop critical work and life skills such as problem solving, teamwork, and communications, according to the Afterschool Alliance.
To learn more about NCS programs for children and teens, visit the NCS website.