Plan Designations
- Plan A or Plan B:
- Employee Members who started work for Fairfax County on or before December 31, 2012
- Plan C or Plan D:
- Employee Members who started work for Fairfax County on or after January 1, 2013
- Plan E:
- Employee Members who started work for Fairfax County on or after July 1, 2019
Contributions to Employee Retirement System
- Plans A & C:
- 4% of salary up to the Social Security Taxable Wage Base (2023 = $160,200) PLUS
- 5.333% of salary in excess of the Social Security Taxable Wage Base
- Plans B, D & E:
- 5.333% of salary
Employee contributions earn 5% interest annually
- Varies yearly, determined by amount required to fund the plan based on actuarial calculations.
- As of July 1, 2022 - 28.88% / As of July 1, 2023 - 30.87%
Types of Retirement Benefits
Normal Service Retirement
- All Plans:
- Age 65 with five or more years of service
- Plans A & B:
- Rule of 80 (Age + Service = 80) Minimum age of 50
- Plans C, D & E:
- Rule of 85 (Age + Service = 85) Minimum age of 55
Benefit Calculation:
FAS (Final Average Salary) = average of member’s highest 78 consecutive pay periods (36 months) salary
- Plan A and Plan C:
- 1.8% x FAS x Years of Benefit Service x 1.03
- Plan B and Plan D:
- 2.0% x FAS x Years of Benefit Service x 1.03
- Pre-Social Security Benefit (Plans A, B, C and D):
- 1.0% x FAS x Years of Benefit Service x 1.03
- Plan E:
- 2.0% x FAS x Years of Benefit Service
Early Service Retirement
- Rule of 75 (Age + Service = 75) Minimum age = 50
Benefit Calculation:
- Same as Normal Service Retirement and dependent upon which plan the member was in, but reduced by a percentage based on age at the time of early retirement. No Pre-Social Security Benefit payable.
Deferred Vested
- Age 65 if the employee has 5 or more years of service and contributions remained in the system
Benefit Calculation:
- Same as Normal Service Retirement and dependent upon which plan the member was in.
Ordinary Disability
- At least five years of retirement eligible service. Disability is not job-related.
Benefit Calculation:
- 2.0% x FAS x Years of Benefit Service (Max of 30 years) x 1.03
- No Pre-Social Security Benefit payable.
Service-Connected Disability
- Any amount of retirement eligible service qualifies. Disability must be job-related.
Benefit Calculation:
- 66-2/3% of FAS less payments from Workers' Compensation
DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Program)
- Same as Normal Service Retirement and dependent upon which plan the member was in.
Survivor Benefits
- Before Retirement
- Either optional spouse's benefit equal to 50% of the employee's benefit as of the date of death or refund of contributions and interest.
- After Retirement
- Either optional Joint and Last Survivor benefit of 50%, 66-2/3%, 75%, or 100% of retiree's reduced benefit or refund of remaining employee contributions and interest.
Click here for more on the Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
Minimum/Maximum Benefits:
- Minimum: $300 annually.
- Maximum: amount allowed under I.R.C. Section 415.