Retirement Systems

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM M-F / Walk-ins 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM M-F
703-279-8200 TTY 711
12015 Route 50 - Suite 350 - Fairfax, VA 22033
Jeff Weiler
Executive Director

Employees' Retirement System - Active Members

The Employees' Retirement System (ERS) was established in 1955.  It was originally called the Supplemental Retirement System.  This was the retirement system for general county employees. Since then, certain employees of Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) have also become members of the ERS. The FCPS employee members of ERS are, in general, all non-teacher and non-administrator positions. These include:

  • school bus drivers
  • cafeteria workers
  • clerical staff
  • custodians
  • trades employees

There are number of retirement benefits available to members of the ERS which are summarized below.


Service Retirement - Employees'

Service retirement is for employees who are one of the following:

Eligible for a full retirement benefit (Normal Service Retirement) Eligible for an early retirement benefit (Early Service Retirement) Vested but not eligible for an ordinary or early retirement benefit (Deferred Vested Retirement)

Each of these will be discussed in the sections below.

Disability Retirement - Employees'

Members who are still actively employed and become disabled may be eligible for a Disability Retirement benefit.

There are 2 categories of Disability Retirement benefits:

1. Ordinary Disability - for disabilities that are not job-related.

2. Service-Connected Disability - for disabilities that are job-related.

Each of these will be explained in the sections that follow.

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