Retirement Systems

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM M-F/ Closed between 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM M-F / Walk-ins 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM M-F
703-279-8200 TTY 711
12015 Route 50 - Suite 350 - Fairfax, VA 22033
Jeff Weiler
Executive Director

Frequent Terms and Q&A


Eligibility for retirement is based on age and service and dependent on when you were hired and under what plan you were hired in. You can see your retirement dates by going to your Retirement Account.

Your monthly benefit is based on a simple formula that considers how much you work and what your highest average salary is. You can see your benefit estimate by going to your Retirement Account.

Sick leave is converted into service. This can help you in three ways: make you eligible to retire earlier, increase your benefit service, and may help to increase your FAS. Click here for more information.

Click here to see QDRO Guidelines.

No. Sick leave is converted into service.

We determine eligibility based on service AND age. So, while sick leave will add a year of service, we cannot age you more than you are. Click here for more information.

This is an employment question.

We have walk-in hours for our active employees Monday thru Friday from 11am – 2pm. Click here for contact information.

We offer one-on-one retirement appointments when you are within 6 months of eligibility for retirement. Click here for contact information.

DROP is the Deferred Retirement Option Program. DROP allows members to defer retirement and save their pension while they continue to work for up to three additional years. Click here for more information.

We have many resources available to provide you with the information you need to make this decision. Click here for more information.

Members have five options on what they can do with their DROP balance.

    • Receive a lump sum distribution by check (taxable income) with possible IRS penalties, depending on your age
    •  Roll over entire DROP balance to an IRA or other qualified retirement plan (non-taxable income)     
    •  Combine Rollover and Distribution in any percent
    •  Apply 100% to increase your monthly annuity
    •  Apply 50% to increase your monthly annuity and the other
       50% as a distribution

Pension benefits are considered income on a federal level and in many states.

Work as long as possible and make as much as you can.

There are several factors you may consider when deciding when the best time for you to enter DROP may be. Click here for more information.

Some members decide to wait after a raise to receive a higher FAS.

Pre-SSB is a temporary credit to help members bridge the gap between their retirement with the Retirement Systems and their normal eligibility for SS. Click here for more information.

All annual leave questions should be directed to Human Resources.

The Retirement Systems have various options for disability retirement if a member is no longer able to work due to a disability.

When you refund contributions, all the time associated with those contributions are also refunded.

A counselor can calculate the cost to buy back refunded service.

Members may elect to change plans within the first 30 dates of new hire.

30 days.

30 days.

New retirees will receive their first pay check after RS has verified they are no longer on active payroll and a final calculation has been processed.

All insurance questions should be directed to Human Resources.

Rate information can be found at Human Resources.

All insurance questions should be directed to Human Resources.

This is an automatic benefit payable to the current surviving spouse of retired Police Officers of Fairfax County.

Click here for more:

56-hour employee has their sick leave balance increased by 1/3 to cover their shift as an active employee. In retirement, all members are treated as a 40-hour employee.

We offer walk-in hours Monday thru Friday between 11am – 2pm so that we will have a counselor available to help members.

Walk-ins are meant to answer basic questions and turn in retirement forms.

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