Management and Budget

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM M-F
703-324-2391 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway Suite 561
Fairfax, VA 22035-0074
Philip A. Hagen

FY 2006 Third Quarter Fund Statement and Summary of Capital Projects

On April 18, 2005, the FY 2005 Third Quarter Review package was approved by the Board of Supervisors.

Fund Statements and Summary of Capital Projects

Fund Number
Fund Statement
Summary of Capital Projects
002 - Revenue Stabilization
100 - County Transit Systems
103 - Aging Grants and Programs
104 - Information Technology
105 - Cable Communications
106 - Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board
108 - Leaf Collection
109 - Refuse Collection
110 - Refuse Disposal
111 - Reston Community Center
112 - Energy/Resource Recovery (ERR) Facility
113 - McLean Community Center
114 - I-95 Refuse Disposal
115 - Burgundy Village Community Center
116 - Integrated Pest Management Program
117 - Alcohol Safety Action Program
118 - Consolidated Community Funding Pool
119 - Contributory Fund
120 - E-911
141 - Elderly Housing Programs
142 - Community Development Block Grant
143 - Homeowner and Business Loan Programs
144 - Housing Trust Fund
145 - HOME Investment Partnerships Grant
170 - Park Revenue Fund
200 - County Debt Service
201 - School Debt Service
300 - Countywide Roadway Improvement Fund
301 - Contributed Roadway Improvement Fund
302 - Library Construction
303 - County Construction
304 - Primary and Secondary Road Bond Construction
306 - Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority
307 - Sidewalk Construction
308 - Public Works Construction
309 - Metro Operations and Construction
310 - Storm Drainage Bond Construction
311 - County Bond Construction
312 - Public Safety Construction
313 - Trail Construction
314 - Neighborhood Improvement Program
315 - Commercial Revitalization Program
316 - Pro Rata Share Drainage Construction
340 - Housing Assistance Program
341 - Housing General Obligation Bond Construction
370 - Park Authority Bond Construction
371 - Park Capital Improvement Fund
400 - Sewer Revenue
401 - Sewer Operation and Maintenance
402 - Sewer Construction Improvements
403 - Sewer Bond Parity Debt Service
406 - Sewer Bond Debt Reserve
407 - Sewer Bond Subordinate Debt Service
408 - Sewer Bond Construction
500 - Retiree Health Benefits
501 - County Insurance Fund
503 - Department of Vehicle Services
504 - Document Services Division
505 - Technology Infrastructure Services
506 - Health Benefits Trust Fund
600 - Uniformed Retirement
601 - Fairfax County Employees' Retirement
602 - Police Retirement
691 - Educational Employees' Supplementary Retirement  
700 - Route 28 Taxing District
703 - Northern Virginia Regional Identification System (NOVARIS)
711 - Dulles Rail Phase I Transportation Improvement District  
940 - FCRHA General Operating
941 - Fairfax County Rental Program
945 - Non-County Appropriated Rehabilitation Loan Fund
946 - FCRHA Revolving Development
947 - FCRHA Capital Contributions
948 - FCRHA Private Financing
949 - FCRHA Internal Service Fund
950 - Housing Partnerships
965 - Housing Grants
966 - Section 8 Annual Contribution
967 - Projects Under Management
969 - Projects Under Modernization
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