Prevention Unit

703-324-5626 TTY 711
12011 Government Center Parkway
Fairfax, VA 22035
Marla Zometsky

Our Collective Impact Approach

Ensuring that our children and youth thrive and reach their fullest potential requires the collaborative effort of the entire Fairfax community.

The Fairfax County Successful Children and Youth Policy Team (SCYPT) and its primary sponsors – the Community Foundation for Northern Virginia, Fairfax County Public Schools and Fairfax County Government – are working to design and implement a Collective Impact approach in our community. This will help us create an environment and an infrastructure that fully supports collaborative work that is outcomes-driven.

But we need your involvement. To be effective, the Collective Impact approach requires all parts of our community to be fully involved contributors to the well-being of our children and youth. Whether you represent schools, non-profits, families, faith-based organizations, health care providers or businesses, to name just a few – you’re all invited to be a part of this community-wide effort to promote successful children and youth in Fairfax County.

How will we do this?

Collective impact requires a shared agenda, a common goal for all involved. We have defined our shared agenda by the following vision and mission statements, and a set of community-level outcomes. Adopted by the SCYPT in October 2015, these statements were developed with considerable input from community partners and stakeholders.

VISION (our desired future state)

A community where all children and youth thrive and reach their full potential.

MISSION (how we’ll get there)

We, the Fairfax community, collectively ensure all children, youth, and their families and communities have equitable access to quality services, supports, and opportunities to further their success and well-being.

OUTCOMES (the key things that need to happen to realize our vision)

We aim to achieve these outcomes for all children and youth in Fairfax County. We also aim to ensure that disparities – whether based on race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, geography, or any other circumstance – are identified and eliminated.

  1. Children get a healthy start in life.
  2. Children enter kindergarten ready to succeed.
  3. Children and youth succeed academically.
  4. Children and youth are healthy. ◦ Children and youth are physically healthy.
  5. Children and youth are socially, emotionally, and behaviorally healthy and resilient.
  6. Children and youth are safe and free from violence and injury.
  7. Youth earn a post-secondary degree or career credential.
  8. Youth enter the workforce ready to succeed.
  9. Youth contribute to the betterment of their community.
How can you get involved?

Learn about existing initiatives and opportunities to get engaged:

  • Initiatives, Teams and Coalitions: Read about and connect with existing initiatives and coalitions focused on improving outcomes for children and youth
  • Join our email list by signing up on the SCYPT homepage
  • Contact us with your questions and ideas.
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